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 May 2015 JAM
Dr Strange

There are no more jokes to life.
WE are FALLING as a RACE and we should be ASHAMED in ourselves
Violence is erupting in our streets
Innocent people are dying
Yet instead of mourning over the lost we are being ignorant
The foolishness needs to stop!
Proving that we cannot be civilized, that we belong in shackles being whooped in cotton fields
Our ancestors would not be proud if they saw what we are doing today
In fact they would turn their heads and bow them in disgust
Thinking to themselves all that hard work for nothing
Is that really  what we want...history to repeat itself all over again
For us the black race to be treated like animals
To be treated as if we are inferior to dirt the other races step on
If that is what you really seek then continue
But if not...
Stop the meaningless violence
Public announcement idea borrowed from Frank Ruland. Ladies and Gentleman don't forget to read his work.
 May 2015 JAM
jeffrey robin
 May 2015 JAM
jeffrey robin


we come down from the mountain
We come down ( walkin slow ) ......

...... to the town below


( we who climbed the mountain )



The winds that heal

Are in the hills

But we are not

She kept staring at her ***** saying


We wallow in the blood of our

And drink so thirsty

Each other 's tears


The healing winds

Are in the hills

But we are not


This is not going to end well

You know
 May 2015 JAM
Jason Cirkovic
I had a moment of clarity
In my life
When I would wake up
From my night terrors
The train tracks outside my window
Wobbled louder than my sanity.
Yes you were there
Patrolling my dreams,
Sprinkling hatred
Over the innocence.
You were the fake ****
Who conducts lies
With your promises.
Your nails, nail the impression
That you practice
On voodoo dolls
Hanging in your soul.
Tearing each thread
Back to its spindle.
It cries.
Prying apart
Till frost vacates your heart
Into these dolls.

Look at you go!
Like Reptar,
You mustered the mightiest rawr
To scare everyone away.
Like reptar you are the toy,
Imagine that.

You see,
They use their imagination
To make you look like
What your faking to be.
Someone different.
You forced me
To lock you up in my dreams.
Murderous murders
Slaughtering anyone
Who mentions my name
So you can feed the meat
You store in the temple
Filled with thorns.

People say stick and stones
May break my bones
Yet your smile
Still shatters them to dust,
Stuck between your nails.
An inconvience.
That's what you would called it.

Hear ye hear ye
My apologies
For me not being clearly.
You must understand
My voice is a little drowned
By the lack of intelligence
You ponder about.
Especially when I glossed over the fact
That this is the poem
I've always want to throw down
Onto your trenches
On your forehead,
The gateway to the mind
Which conducted
The illist mistake
Thinking I'm not worth the time.
 May 2015 JAM
Seán Mac Falls
Bare branches hold ice
Her heart a faint winter tree
Roots encased in frost
 May 2015 JAM
Mike Hauser
I'm a Poet
 May 2015 JAM
Mike Hauser
I'm a poet

And I know it

I make a rhyme

I make a rhyme...........

Oh crap!
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