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 May 2019 Moon Rabbit
I fell in love with
words not yet created and
wrote a story my own way.
She had,
Burst out emotions,
Said many,
But did they know,
She was a living sea.
She had many break downs but for which she felt it to ***** her. What if she was numb or demotional
I’m not alive.

I’m not sure what to do yet.

I’m not sure what I’m in.

I.. don’t know.

What to do the next.

What I am suppose to do.

Is there something that I’m suppose to do?


I hate that I don’t.

I hate that I.

This frustration.

This.. thing. 

This confusion.

Whatever it is.


I’m so motivated.


I don’t know.

I am so unsure what to do yet.

I am not dead.
Some people write about  regrets
Some write about  mistakes
Some about  heartbreaks
Some sorrow

Others people write about discoveries
Others write about nature
Others about  striving
Others surviving

No people write about  the racket of silence
No one writes about  knowing their feet by heart
No one about  the night of black snow
No one the tip of the iceberg
 Apr 2019 Moon Rabbit
someday it will
come again.
someday someone
will come in.

a star
with the deepest depths in the eyes
with the gentlest of breaths
and endless soul in the smile

one day
i'll forgive this pain
not forget -
we are all destined to love again, i am sure
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