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  Apr 2022 Whit Howland
guy scutellaro
magic depends upon believing

and in the dingy hotel room
the ***** in a red dress
the poet and the pen

*** without love

manuscripts that no publisher will read

she removes her earrings
puts them on the bible
on the night stand

and he throws her down
on the ink stained mattress like
a bouquet of dead roses

he beats her

is the old woman
in the alley
covering herself with garbage
to keep warm

tenderness is the wolf and the lamb

he rips off her red dress
and he climbs up the mountain
through the ice and snow

tenderness is the wolf kissing the lamb

if we can find
between warm thighs
that lock us in
like our mother's arms
keeping us from death
if we can laugh
walking along that thin wire
where shadow and life marry
where the lions wait
in the witchwood of our dreams
where angels sing and dogs howl
if we can smile
at children playing  
and sometimes cry,
if we feel the warmth
from someone elses hand

then I say.


deep and fast
between empty eyes
that can hold
no wonder any longer,
climb up through the
ice and snow
and never be found,
and when you get to the top
of that mountain
keep climbing

magic depends upon believing
Whit Howland Apr 2022
of flashy yellow nuggets

by the bullion
it is there

if you are fool enough
to search for it
Whit Howland Mar 2022
Plastic players
you spin on a spit
in an attempt to knock

a plastic ball
the goal

you are we are
doings things
that are way beyond

our control
A word painting with a straight forward message.
Whit Howland Mar 2022
A funny bone
a gag reflex

and an innocent

would you go out
with me

was all it took
for you to spit

through your nose

all those years
  Mar 2022 Whit Howland
Mrs Timetable


First two are fulfilled by the third
Whit Howland Mar 2022
I might rollover
and bring you
the morning paper

but my bark
is metallic

and sounds
as if it was made
in a metal drum

a noise
that will haunt you
Whit Howland Mar 2022
pink and sugary
your words
so lyrical

and yet
so fleeting
they dissolve

in my mouth

I don't want to believe
but I do believe

you sold me
a bill of goods
though I'm not bitter

how could I be
with such sweet
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