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You don't know love till you've felt the pain
You don't know love till you've felt the pleasure
You don't know love till you're running down streets to find your love
You don't know love till you're begging for a second chance
You don't know love till you've met someone like me
You don't know love till it's gone
You don't know love till it tears your heart apart
You don't know love till it has chilled you to the bone

You who have made one false accusation on me
You who have blamed it all on me
You who refuses to see
You who refuses to know what's in me
You who refuses to understand
You who refuses to know.

I now see.
I now know.
Everything has changed.
You don't know me & I don't know you
** You don't know love
How, When, Where and Why?

There's certain things in life that we don't understand.
Whether its the thought of leaving someplace you have accustomed to..
Or leaving people you love and have made friends with behind..
Even if it was just a few days, months or years the special ones always leave a footprint and somewhere down the line you think of them, the ones closest more often than ever.
Then you wonder if u'l ever know where you think it's best for u, you keep living.. And wonder where?

The feeling of regrets, mistakes or chances you never took. You'll never know where you may have been led to.. If only.. But you havnt. And you'll never know..

The regret of you letting down someone, or you led someone to let u down.. It all counts in its wierd ways.. But u just don't seem to understand why..

Everything happens for a reason.. We all think of this at some stage of our life.. But when the reason goes unexplained, it builds stress and more often than never it breaks confidence and brings fear..
Again.. We never know why..

I'm sitting here, unable to find sleep or rest in my mind.. Unable to stop thinking and rest my eyes..
Unable to stop thinking of the beautiful moments that have passed and then start to wonder how much I will miss it from happening again..
Again.. You never know how..

It's the sadness or hole in ur heart that hurts the most, and while u wait for that little piece to fall in place, sometimes it never does, and you begging to look for a substitute to give u that stable pounding of your heart beat.. And again.. You'll never know when..

Then we cross the stage where we think, patience will be a key.. I'm still here with patience.. Wondering when the betterment would arrive.
Coz I've been hurt a zillion times, and i still havnt seen the light..
I wonder, if I'd ever know, why?, when?, and how?, or where I'd ever be finding peace to my heartbeat again!!!
Written in London!

— The End —