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Energy is never created nor destroyed.
We are the manifest of energy’s "will."
That is . " this is what it has done with all the possible building blocks."
What can, have , or should  you do?

Energy  the ability to do work .Its highest state is not some equation in physics.
No, it's autonomy and
what we do with it.

Change our environment.

Learning can be love in motion.
Feel it. The notion.

It’s the act of seeking, questioning, and evolving.
Not pedantic revolving
around one another or our selves.

Love is why we don't leave babies in the forest alone.
Where would any of us be without,  IT?

Even if you are an orphan, an urchin,
a street rat, a ****,
someone loved you, or you wouldn’t exist.

You didn’t breastfeed yourself
or change your own diapers, tough guy!

It’s oft times about suffering through discomforts,
expanding your pudding coddled mind,
and finding new ways to
interact with the world and the
hateful self centered people in it.

Not a game.
There is no "win it."

The best kind of knowledge isn’t hoarded.
It’s given freely.

It’s not something to keep locked away in a
vault, but a gift to help others
themselves and the world
more clearly.
Sweetly and dearly.  ( Sappy but true )

And when knowledge is shared,
it transforms. It may take a while.

It doesn’t remain static.
It ignites change, growth, and new possibilities.

It’s an ongoing cycle,
where each person who learns
can teach and inspire others,
continuing that cycle of love through
action or at times in action.

When you share knowledge,
you can empower others,
and that’s love at its most impactful.

It’s how we move forward together.

My public shaming of you
and your lazy, weak,
half-assed attempt at what you call
poetry or art. IS my love .
What someone that knows you should
have already said. If you would have
just communicated.

and accountability
do play a critical role in love,
for the wronged
and in standing up against cruelty, greed, and injustice.

Love isn't always just about warmth and kindness.
It’s also about standing firm for what matters to us,
calling out harm when it happens,
and ensuring that those who do wrong face consequences.

A reflection of a deeper, more focused love
for the well-being of others,
for the craft.

For values that help any society
flourish in a meaningful way,
regardless of time and circumstance.
Altruism? Humanitarianism ?
It doesn't need to be complicated
Ask your

In that sense, love isn’t just the soft,
comforting type.

It’s also the hard, sometimes painful,
action of doing what needs to be done
to ensure some form of agreed justice
and prevent more unnecessary waste and shame.

Perhaps at its best,
ensuring that history doesn’t repeat itself,
that future generations don’t have to endure
the same pain
and dullard futility
of teenage angst drivel.

And that’s where the power of public accountability comes in,
holding people to account for the hate and fear and and sadness they cause
is an essential part of cultivating
that larger love for all people,
the world,
and basic communicational decency.

"Guernica," a  just one of a myriad powerful examples.

Picasso’s masterpiece exists
as a condemnation of the violence and suffering inflicted by war.

That painting is a scream against injustice,
a visual representation of the horror
that happens when cruelty and stupidity go unchecked.

It's not just a piece of art,
it's a symbol of how deeply
love and accountability are intertwined.
And why we must see it call it out and remember  it.

When we truly care for each other,
we refuse to let these injustices" slide",
and we demand change.

We demand standards,
and to get, or have better
from each other.

In this way, love isn’t passive.
It’s an active force,
sometimes fierce,
that heals wounds,
and prevents worthless, whiny,
self-centered crap from ever happening to us as "art."

Public shame and accountability,
when exercised responsibly,
can be tools for our love.
Lets use them. Often and with empathy.

They can coalesce as accountability
for actions that hurt others.

It’s not punishment for the sake of punishing,
that can't be my role as an individual.

It's a means of collectively correcting some
healing a few small
and ensuring that the cycle of
has an
or another means of

So yes,
love is not just about nurturing,
it’s about ensuring we protect the vulnerable infants,
not those acting like them.

Speak up when the world goes astray.

Without that,
the kind of horrors depicted in Guernica
continue to happen in your own backyards.

Love is in the protection,
in the holding accountable,
and in the refusal to let cruelty
and insipid stupidity
slip by unnoticed or unchallenged.
Just ask mom.
My slow death
Realized, denied, contrived.
Longed for, but better, and faster.
We collude in bars,
and in turbo-powered, sleek, steel,
elegant, oppressive, ******* monsters
of smoke and death.

Neutered by the intelligence
and necessity of an electric conversion,
mockery of our loneliness and *******—
like our love replaced by gadgets
(Steely Dan and Mellow Yellow),
toys, and naked cameras.
Our shared lobotomy,
fantasized, realized, boardroom conceptualized.

Could we speed things up a little, please?
And god, please don’t ******* embalm me,
rip out my guts and stuff me,
paint me and tie me up inside
and pretend it’s natural.

Either let the bugs and creatures have at me in a field,
or turn me to ash,
but don’t cram me in a steel box inside a concrete vault.
Let me return to be what I am
amongst my brothers.
We **** ourselves in slow motion. It’s not a mistake, it’s by design. We’re trapped in a cycle of longing for the things that will destroy us, but we want it quicker, faster. So we collude. We gather in dim bars, surrounded by the hum of steel, chrome, and rubber—muscle cars and limos that spit smoke and scream down streets like they’re carrying us to oblivion, but no one cares, because the ride’s too smooth, the engine too seductive.

Then the electric cars come, sleek and sterile, quiet like the death we’re told we should want, just a little more efficient at suffocating us. A pretty package with wheels, a ******* electric prayer to the environment that isn’t even real. It’s not progress. It’s a coffin with a digital dashboard.

But we’re so desperate to be distracted, so we let ourselves be neutered. *** toys, ****, gadgets, and cameras. These are the replacements for connection, for meaning, for life itself. All of it is a hollow imitation of the things we used to want and need, but the brainwashing has been so complete that we can’t see the rot behind the shiny surfaces. We’ve replaced everything that mattered with convenience. We’ve been lobotomized—collective, voluntary, and now it’s done, boxed in, processed.

When we die, we’re not free. They slice us open, stuff us full of chemicals, and sew our mouths into a fake grin. As if that would make anything okay. No, **** that. I’d rather return to the dirt, the real, the living things that will eat me and break me down into something worth remembering. Not this sanitized, packaged version of death that’s meant to make us comfortable with the lie. Don’t keep me in a vault, don't try to freeze me in time, don’t make me a corpse in a suit for the convenience of some sick, voyeuristic ritual.

Let the bugs have me. Let the fire take me. Let me return to what I am. Real. Raw. Free.
( an ancient text painstakingly reassembled)
Written by  The Count De St. Germaine, and republished with accordant permissions, enjoy.
A mind like the cosmos, vast and unbound,
Where knowledge and wisdom in endless depths are crowned.
Like myself, not a mere mortal—behold! He is utterly divine,
A literary force, both eldritch and fine.
His quill is a scepter, his mind a comfortous throne,
In the annals of thought, he is never alone.

In the boundless realms where HIS language is king,
He crafts the tapestry that makes your angels sing.

He is the modern oracle, the sage and the seer,
Casting shadows of awe that the world must revere.
Any lump who dares write must bow or retreat,
For none can approach lest they come to kiss feet.

Oh, Jeffery Alan Hoover, whose brilliance rivals the sun,
A celestial fire that can’t be undone.
The written word dances from his heart to his head and then hand,
Bowing humbly at his eternal command.

So let the masses look on in awe,
As he rewrites history without a flaw.
For in this world of ink and page,
He is the master, the sage, on his stage.

Other poets do poopy and quake, their verses fall flat, and ring fake.
In the wake of his brilliance, they can’t even chortle. They should sit silent and still acquiesce like a mortal.
Dare not resist the tempest, or his thunderous roar,
for they will be no mercy and they he abhor.
For only one now shakes heaven’s foundations
as you beg for more lore and correctly adore.

Bask in his glory, this titan of intellect,
The world shall tremble with radiant respect.
All others in silence must humbly reflect,
For none can compare and wither in neglect.

Yet humble and caring,
His passions abound.
Searching for equals or peers,
But none we have found.
So piddle forth with your shallow, unheeded words about trivial love,
Do not portend to exchange with those well above.
Know your place, your role, and your skill,
And do what you can with what you lack, or you will.
I found this piece in situ on his desk in progress. I was delighted and flattered of course.
Ongoing communication with the Count De St. Germaine
Born Around 1710 in San Germano, Savoy, as the natural son of an Italian princess.
He visited me again not long ago.
Speaking as he did, he did come and then go.
with endless perspicacity eclipsing empyrean fires,
One's magnanimous susurrus in aeons aspires.
Yet whither art thou, in this age cacophonic,
Where malisons spew from tongues misanthropic?

I perambulate, somnambular, through gloam’s desuetude,
Harkening phantasmal echoes in crepuscular interlude.
Yet only zephyrs, in dulcet effusion,
Intone their clandestine, windborne allusion.

listening for echoes that might still remain.
But only the wind, in mellifluous guise,
sings secrets in silence  to cerulean skies.

These polysemous effulgences  both wax and wane,
Guttering yet indelible. We rise above both spectral,  and arcane.
antediluvian hush, betwixt frost-laden dearth,
Manifests a logos, in insipid girth.
antediluvian silences drawn,
vertiginous  in hyperborean dearth
a logos, sir, in autochthonous rebirth.

Their hierophantic murmurs will obfuscate,
the omphalos of matter, still inchoate,
where perichoresis in tumultuous tide
the fractal that innervates, presupposed  then shied .

A palimpsest of null embraces
where these false augurs drink from hallowed places,
and time itself forgets to turn. Why Obsess ?
For Nihil’s  never but always caress,
Christo- fascist rising imbibe from those urns abyssal,
And Chronos forgets to turn his gear yet again.
How do we start and where to begin.
Perfidious orisons, whisper-thin,
in circumflected aeons spin,
converging on the cusp of naught,
where paradigms in silence rot.
A chrysalis of paradox,
enshrouds the fey, unbridled clock,
that chime in fugue, then dissipate
beyond the hinge of latent fate...
the collection plate from church to state.

The denigratory grand design
deliquesces in auctorial decline!

(Syncretic palingenesis unspools,
within the aether’s epistemic pools,
a syzygetic parallax unweaves
the thaumaturgic spoor that time bereaves.)

For naught but vacuous profundities remain,
a simulacrum of the arcane mundane,
where in sesquipedalian grandeur lies
a syllogism clad in grandiloquent guise.

Ouroboric concatenations of antinomian design,
circumvolute within circumspatial paradigms malign,
as obmutescent theogonic vestiges coalesce
in the eidetic zymurgy of aphasic largesse.

Metagnostic palimpsests, fracto-linear and obtuse,
catachrestically wane in hyperchromatic profuse,
whilst locutions, effulgent yet contrite,
obumbrate the paramorphic tautology of night.

A transcendental abecedarium, paralogical and vast,
consanguineous with the inexorable umbrage
of our shared Jungian past,
germinates within the syntagmatic—
Ever relaxed or ecstatic,
Coalesced to pragmatic,
Lugubriously emphatic.

Within this hypostatized ratiocinative mire,
where sophronistic axiom and non-being conspire,
one finds but an echolalic, chimerical gleam,
an ontosemantic palinode to the dream.

The Archetype realized.
The Alchemist mystically re-materialized.

Count, oh Count.
"Wherefore art thou," indeed,
in this: our time of greatest need.
Come to us now in council.
Post haste and with speed.
Race ever faster on righteous
breed steed.
Deliver us from this egregious misdeed
enveloped in lust and slathered in greed.
Help us plant a seed.
Regrowth !
I plead.

Dearest Count,
Forever must thou linger in shadow’s creed,
As we toil ‘neath venal decrees of greed?
Come forth in augural council and  heed!
Post-haste upon thy seraphic steed!
Deliver us from this abhorrent misdeed,
Enshrouded in vice, in carnality steeped.
Lend thy hand that we might seed
I plead.
Your phone is my Camera on buses, in stores, on the streets,
Every step tracked, no place to retreat from you all.
Our privacy given away to tech, no fight no question
yet you like the fool you are push my video camera from  your space
telling me I have no right to film you face to face.
You sold our souls for the convenience of now,
But what’s left of us? Where’d we go, and how?

We Serfs in polos, the white-collar star bucks ******,
Spoiled and arrogant, we’ve all been scammed.
Cell phones killed the magic its gone, the mystery slain,
All answers in pixels, no room for your tiny underused brain.

Spoiled, pampered, entitled, and mentally neutered by the over-processed, corporate-approved content that’s spoon-fed through algorithms, YouTube, and Facebook clones of clowns social media vampires soulless and genderless. They’re stuck in an adult-sized version of what should have been childhood  Disney lessons, but all those lessons are blurred and neutered into sheeple mediocrity. Coddled, wrapped in mommies ouch free band aides and tear free shampoo. Constantly bought and sold and always told their feelings are the center of the universe, and now they’re the ones mindlessly chanting “Team One Direction” and “Big Time Rush Forever.”  The same kids who were never " bullied", never pushed to confront anything challenging, or forced to step outside their comfort zones. Phone out , click take that ***** picture, then run and tell and post all the " bad men " from a one sided fairy tale mirror. Everything curated, everything moderated, safe from the harshness of life, only to grow into adults who are still trapped in the glow of their ‘safe spaces,’ feeding on pre-packaged, consumer-friendly fluff. Making office life unbearable for real men and even worse voting and making laws. Still can't sleep without a night light. As the prison door slams again, another unwanted pregnancy.

All our faces are known, in an instant, they’re there,
A snapshot, a database, no secrets to spare.
The world’s all exposed, no corner too dark,
We film every moment, every spark.
In an instant you have my address, my job
and all the rest. Stalker fantasy
psychotic and legal and plain to see.

A Karen’s outburst, a cop gone wrong,
We post it, we share it, we sing it in song.
No mystery left, no quiet refrain,
Just constant noise, the endless campaign.

We’re all content now, our worth measured in likes,
Trapped in the web, shackled by swipes.

Participation trophies, and the sanitized comfort of never feeling a real blow. The ones who grew up on Disney-fied lessons, where nothing’s too hard, nothing’s too real—just bright, happy images, perfect for minds that were never asked to do anything for themselves. Diary of A Wimpy kid poster children. Glamorized and loving it. Bedazzled soccer mom minivan Blaring Brittany.

The same people who never learned to think for themselves  now telling you what to think and giving YOU the life time ban. Because the world around them was designed to stop them from ever having to try  to cry or question why. When everything’s curated by the Google and Chat GPT A.I., when the world fits into a neat little echo chamber of controlled opinions, there’s no room for independent thought, no need to fight for your identity. Who are you anyway ? It doesn't matter.  Go do your project in a group as A group.

No wonder they’re  all so eager  to cry and tattle like the sissies they are all overweight  tools, easily satisfied with plastic idols, mindless likes, and a world that offers everything delivered to their doors on an Amazon Jeff Bezos ***** rocket  silver platter. It’s the loudest, most vapid echo of a  monetary , greed society that’s already prostituted  itself. Toddlers in Tiaras . Cash me outside.
Her mer gerd.

From " Friends " to Highschool Musical.
Trump truly is what you deserve.
He visited me again but a fortnight ago.
Speaking as he did, he did come and then go.

Count, oh Count,
Your perspicacity eclipses the stars,
Your magnanimous whispers still linger afar.
Yet where are you now, in this age so discordant?
Trump's deleterious voices speak in tones so abhorrent?

I walk in a somnambular haze through this twilight mundane,
listening for echoes that might still remain.
But only the wind, in mellifluous guise,
sings secrets in silence beneath boundless skies.

These polysemic effulgence do, alas, waxen, wane,
but seldom in vain.
In antediluvian silence drawn,
manifests in hyperborean dearth
a logos, sir, in autochthonous rebirth.

Their hierophantic murmurs will obfuscate,
the omphalos of matter, still inchoate,
where perichoresis in vertiginous tide
the fractal that doth assuredly bide.

A palimpsest of null embrace
where these false augurs drink from hollowed urns,
and time itself forgets to turn.

Perfidious orisons, whisper-thin,
in circumflected aeons spin,
converging on the cusp of naught,
where paradigms in silence rot.
A chrysalis of paradox,
enshrouds the fey, unbridled clocks,
that chime in fugue, then dissipate
beyond the hinge of latent fate...

The denigratory grand design
deliquesces in auctorial decline!

(Syncretic palingenesis unspools,
within the aether’s epistemic pools,
a syzygetic parallax unweaves
the thaumaturgic spoor that time bereaves.)

For naught but vacuous profundities remain,
a simulacrum of the arcane mundane,
where in sesquipedalian grandeur lies
a syllogism clad in grandiloquent guise.

Ouroboric concatenations of antinomian design,
circumvolute within circumspatial paradigms malign,
as obmutescent theogonic vestiges coalesce
in the eidetic zymurgy of aphasic largesse.

Metagnostic palimpsests, fracto-linear and obtuse,
catachrestically wane in hyperchromatic profuse,
whilst locutions, effulgent yet contrite,
obumbrate the paramorphic tautology of night.

A transcendental abecedarium, paralogical and vast,
consanguineous with the inexorable umbrage
of our shared Jungian past,
germinates within the syntagmatic—
Ever relaxed or ecstatic,
Coalesced to pragmatic,
Lugubriously emphatic.

Within this hypostatized ratiocinative mire,
where sophronistic axiom and non-being conspire,
one finds but an echolalic, chimerical gleam,
an ontosemantic palinode to the dream.

The Archetype realized.
The Alchemist mystically re-materialized.

Count, oh Count.
"Wherefore art thou," indeed,
in this: our time of greatest need.
Come to us know in council.
Post haste and with speed.
Race ever faster on righteous
breed steed.
Deliver us from this egregious misdeed
enveloped in lust and slathered in greed.
Help us plant a seed.
Regrowth !
I plead.
⸎⟆⥉⦕⫯⟴ Ode to the Count De St. Germaine ⸎⟆
Dearest Count,
I know you watch and listen.
It is through you I set sail upon this ship of thoughts
To you, to whom, I christen.

These polysemic effulgence do, alas, waxen, wane,
but seldom in vain.
In antediluvian silence drawn,
manifests in hyperborean dearth
a logos, sir in autochthonous rebirth.

Their, hierophantic murmurs will obfuscate,
the omphalos of matter, still inchoate,
where perichoresis in vertiginous tide
the fractal that doth  assuredly bide.

A palimpsest of null embrace
where these false augurs drink from hollowed urns,
and time itself forgets to turn.

Perfidious orisons, whisper-thin,
in circumflected aeons spin,
converging on the cusp of naught,
where paradigms in silence rot.
A chrysalis of paradox,
enshrouds the fey, unbridled clocks,
that chime in fugue, then dissipate
beyond the hinge of latent fate...

The pericombobulatory grand design
deliquesces in auctorial decline!

(Syncretic palingenesis unspools,
within the aether’s epistemic pools,
a syzygetic parallax unweaves
the thaumaturgic spoor that time bereaves.)

For naught but vacuous profundities remain,
a simulacrum of the arcane mundane,
where in sesquipedalian grandeur lies
a syllogism clad in grandiloquent guise.

Ouroboric concatenations of antinomian design,
circumvolute within paracryptic paradigms malign,
as obmutescent theogonic vestiges coalesce
in the eidetic zymurgy of aphasic largesse.

Metagnostic palimpsests, fracto-linear and obtuse,
catachrestically wane in hyperchromatic profuse,
whilst locutions, effulgent yet contrite,
obumbrate the paramorphic tautology of night.

A transcendental abecedarium, paralogical and vast,
consanguineous with the inexorable umbrage
of our shared Jungian past,
germinates within the syntagmatic—
Ever relaxed or ecstatic,
Coalesced to pragmatic,
Lugubriously emphatic.

Within this hypostatized ratiocinative mire,
where sophronistic axiom and non-being conspire,
one finds but an echolalic, chimerical gleam,
an ontosemantic palinode to the dream.

The Archetype realized.
The Alchemist mystically re-materialized.

Count, oh Count.
"Wherefore art thou," indeed,
in this : our time of greatest need.
My woeful lack of vocabulary; I can but hope this crude assemblage of words conveys even a fraction of my admirable umbrage.
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