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  Mar 2016 Joshua Haines
Sharp whips on soft skin,
Pores filled with pain,
  Mar 2016 Joshua Haines
It's the kind of puking that you don't recover from, when you're hunched over the trash can and you have enough time to side glance and admire your spine in the mirror you forgot to clean. * if I go over the lines one more time they'll blow out* I tattooed your abuse inside the medicine cabinet, where I go to meet Jesus every Tuesday night. When Friday seems to far away, and your fist so close. It's not just a memory this is a legacy. Trash can duets.
It's addicting.
Once you see how peaceful it is,
you don't want to deal with people anymore!
  Feb 2016 Joshua Haines
4:09 am and I'm not sleeping. Wide awake, wrists open but not quite bleeding. Mind ****** by man vs nature. A young child battles against wits & wagers. I fall in between, because neither of us are sleeping.
I wish I could write loneliness  down, keep em trapped between the blue lines. I could go for Chinese, a great hug, a long kiss. I just need closeness.
  Feb 2016 Joshua Haines
before you'll able
to help

understand your
pain first and

upon listening
you'll reflect
your own,
by then
you can
be connected
to their heart strings...

empathy is a blessing
as it is a burden.
it hurts you more
than it pains them...

just stay
on a steady
then you'll be
it feels like i just translated what empathy means... just in my own words, my own way of understanding...
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