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tell me again
all those nice things
you said
at the bar
after i confessed
i was crazy about you

tell me again
as i hold you against the door
of my bedroom

and once you're through telling
i will jump on the bed
up and down
several times
like a child
like a monkey
like a lunatic

because for a night
people can be really happy
for one night
it happens
people will feel
the need to jump on a bed
and not care about
waking the
neighbors downstairs

because it's just one night
really, the only
and all that ever happened
was leading up to

       ​fickle, effervescent, esoteric, impatient.

Relative of writers and hedonists.

Lover of spoken word poetry, packing peanuts, and emergency exit row seats.

Who feels that words mean so little yet so much,
       ​you will almost always **** at something the first time around (it's okay),
       ​the 10,000 murderous butterflies attacking her stomach when she sees him.

Who needs the TV on, no matter what,
​       to hear that she is not crazy, everyone else is,
       ​the time to just sit and read for a change.

Who fears that she really does fail at life,
       ​the huge spider she's sure lives in her closet,
       ​the actual use of physics and calculus in real life situations.

Who gives away advice like guidance counselors are supposed to,
​       away hair ties like pencils,
       ​love like its cheap.

Who would like to see an actual shooting star,
​       Sarah and Phil Kay(e) confess their undying love to each other,
​       the Doctor be happy.

Resident of Underland.

Another English assignment that I liked too much.
 Apr 2015 Tuesday Pixie
 Apr 2015 Tuesday Pixie
~Bio-recycling biography
about nothing, really*

Green Bin outside
the front door
yawning occasionally,
patiently waiting
for Friday;

Bio-recycling day.
metropolitan bio-by-law.

Green Boxes
of the neighbourhood
like soldiers
on the sidewalks
of the metropolis
expecting professionals
to empty their insides.

cooked for hours
to make the best
chicken noodle soup,
the remedy for every ill.

Rotting remnants
of family banquettes,
over the whole week,
potato peels for the best
potato salad,
secret grandmother's recipe.

Egg-shell colour
colours the interior decorator;
last tomato of the season.


Coffee grinds.
Stainless steel
espresso machine
******* fireworks
the coffee grinder.

Tangerine, orange peel
freshly peeled
still pines for Florida.

Stop yawning, Green Bin,
is Friday.
~This is not my Poem; this belongs to me Lamushkia; (Milushka) who is no longer with us.
Check out her other poems in her collection here.
She deserves to be remembered.

~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~

Prior Reviews:

Bathsheba   Sep 30
I got a letter yesterday from the council stating that they are going to introduce The Green Bin in our area ..... Aghhhhhhhhhhhhh
Enjoyed this write and will check out her other work -:)
I am.... me, the analytical opinionated thing that simply seeks to figure out all things of meaning. Filled with intense curiosity, I engage in conversations to discover the nature of relations - yet with a sense of patience I pursue greatness, for being nothing is not where I want to be.

Yes, I struggle against the thought of a stagnant reality. I seek to experience what I can, understanding that the eventuality is the greatest adventure that I'll ever undergo.

Where am I headed, you ask? I'm headed to find the lady who can engage me with her mind, keep in tune with my time, and lazily make her way through life wandering through this beautiful rhyme. Pursuing that is my goal, to argue and banter with a woman with lilt to her laughter and together we can start a new chapter - Make the world quake at it's knee's with our vibrant, crafty endeavors! But, these things are never forced and waiting is the key. I'll continue to explore learning ever more, so that when I meet her our scores in the game of life should at least be even!

Beyond that? I flow like water from one moment to the next, never stopping, a rushing current of entertainment, logical manipulations and expert ministrations so that I can take life by the hand and save her from the river of a slowly deteriorating time!


The world, is my rhyme.
Beauty and the divine will be mine, in time.
The winds slow chime, eases through my mind,
Clarity appeases all my troubled thoughts.


What things have I wrought?
An introduction...
Here And Now*

for Barbara*

There are words
I've had to save myself from,
like My Lord and Blessed Mother,
words I said and never meant,
though I admit a part of me misses
the ornamental stateliness
of High Mass, that smell

of incense. Heaven did exist,
I discovered, but was reciprocal
and momentary, like lust
felt at exactly the same time—
two mortals, say, on a resilient bed,
making a small case for themselves.

You and I became the words
I'd say before I'd lay me down to sleep,
and again when I'd wake—wishful
words, no belief in them yet.
It seemed you'd been put on earth
to distract me
from what was doctrinal and dry.
Electricity may start things,
but if they're to last
I've come to understand
a steady, low-voltage hum

of affection
must be arrived at. How else to offset
the occasional slide
into neglect and ill temper?
I learned, in time, to let heaven
go its mythy way, to never again

be a supplicant
of any single idea. For you and me
it's here and now from here on in.
Nothing can save us, nor do we wish
to be saved.

Let night come
with its austere grandeur,
ancient superstitions and fears.
It can do us no harm.
We'll put some music on,
open the curtains, let things darken
as they will.
"Would you like to save the world from the degradation and destruction it seems destined for?  Then step away from shallow mass movements and quietly go to work on your own self-awareness.  If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself.  If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself.  Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation."
Sit where you are...
Karma Repair Kit Items 1-4**

1.Get enough food to eat,
and eat it.

2.Find a place to sleep where it is quiet,
and sleep there.

3.Reduce intellectual and emotional noise
until you arrive at the silence of yourself,
and listen to it.

It works. Try it!
Time itself
will dissolve
(leaving nothing).

My life
will dissolve
(leaving nothing).

Your kisses
will dissolve
(leaving nothing).

But that is all ahead.

In this moment,

I live my life,
taking my time
and enjoying
your kisses.
Nothing lasts, but that doesn't matter, not in this moment.
Ode To Enchanted Light**

Under the trees light
has dropped from the top of the sky,
like a green
latticework of branches,
on every leaf,
drifting down like clean
white sand.

A cicada sends
its sawing song
high into the empty air.

The world is
a glass overflowing
with water.
 Apr 2015 Tuesday Pixie
 Apr 2015 Tuesday Pixie
The wind sails over the waters surface,
but surely.
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