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  Jan 22 Traveler
My rain is turning into hail.
You stand next to me.
Yet I can't see you.

You always inspire me.
Yet I can't hear you.

You break the heart in me.
Yet I can't feel you.

You have no name.
Yet I look for it.

Some how you always comfort me.
Yet I still need you.

Your my invisible man.
Only God can make you appear.
Love should evaporate my fear.

Until I meet you my mind
will be on  repeat.
My heart is a drum
that can hardly beat.

Please say my hopes will
rise from concrete.
Or I shall be alive but
gradually forgotton.
I shall be an
invisible woman.
Written back in 2012 when I first started writing on the site called poem hunters.
I crumpled
I shattered
I split into two
I spun out of control
With a nice front row view
It was nothing that new
But I already knew
There was no more I could do
No one more to pursue
So I gave up my happy
And developed my sad
Because when she left
She took all that I had
All of my spirit
All of my will
She left me bitter and salty
To swallow my pill
Was this my creation
Was it brought onto myself
Did I get way too greedy
Did I squander my wealth
Did I don the right mask
Did I laugh? Did I smile
Or did we just grow too distant
As our problems compiled
Well, whatever it was
And what it shall be
Is that there’s finally peace
And I’m free to be me
  Jan 22 Traveler
Nothing is personal
It's just your ego
dramatically making it seem
the trash is all over you.
Cannot grasp how deep I adore,
A feeling I've never felt before.

Wonder how you shape my heart,
Even though it's never a tender part.

So tell me, what should I do?
Shall I unveil my heart to you?

Here's my heart, now it's yours,
Its sorrows and joys are yours.

Sorrows gloom, a lasting doom,
Joys bloom, erasing the gloom.

Indeed, both are true,
But, it was always you.
By Menna Abd-Eldaiem
Translator and Poetess
  Jan 22 Traveler
Nishu Mathur
I woke up to a sky of grey
a hiding sun, a rainy day
clouds of hail - stormy what nots
rotund, dang and heavy drops

I said to them, be my poem.

Then the clouds of storm cleared
the golden orb appeared
a rainbow spilled color on the grass
the blossoms sang sweetly - unasked

I said to them, be my poem

To the poor man on the street
and the rag picker with bare feet
the cobbler and the fruit seller
the palmist and the fortune teller

I said to them, be my poem

To a new born and then, flesh on a pyre
the wind that whisks ashes from fire
to the fragrance of spring and the frost of cold
the stench of garbage and the scent of rose

I said to them, be my poem

I turned to love, anger and defeat
laughed with humour and cried with grief
traced the many fleeting expressions on a face
fluid movements and those without grace

I said to them, stay and be my poem

Then I paused, I looked within -inside
into my heart and into my mind
so I could meet myself and know
see and hear, feel and grow

So that one day, I too may become a poem
Repost, reworked
  Jan 22 Traveler
Jimmy silker
Still waters run deep
But sometimes a puddle's
Just a puddle
Fluid of the mind
Falling silently
Like salty tiny rivers
over the cheeks.
Little cracks of the heart
when listening to that song,
Inhaling the fragrance of night’s Jasmine.

Remembering you.

Many have lost loved ones this year.
Sometimes this month is filled with memories and pain.
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