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  Apr 2014 Tinku
You can spend all that time
Looking at yourself in the mirror
But you'll never see what I see when I look at you.
I watched you find your flaws every day.
I wanted you to see your perfections.
That page,
That is what you are.
That is what I see.
I wanted to show you what the world sees when it looks at you.
You're art.
I want you to remember that, as you go forward.
You are art. You make people feel something.
Your beauty and your flaws,
Both are exquisite.
I drew you the way I did,
I doggedly kept on
Until I captured whatever essence makes you mesmerizing,
Because I wanted you to know what it's like for us,
The others,
To look at you.
You are art.
Don't forget it.
  Apr 2014 Tinku
Heliza Rose
When the night is held prisoner below the horizon

And nothing but the scorching sun dances through the skies

Our eyes shall burn out slowly,like scented candles

First,we shall be happy that the frightening creatures of the dark will have no where to play

Then,we shall weep for our skins will turn crisp and be tan

Next,we would scream for the agony of needing rest would be too much.

We would plead "please night come,please come dear night"

Because we would know this wasnt any mere eclipse

This was how things were to exist now that the night was held prisoner
below the horizon
  Apr 2014 Tinku
Sandra Juanita Nailing
Who told you that you were grown, even though you are still a child?  You need to stop showing off, acting rude and loud.
Who told you that you were grown, and what's up with the foul lips?  Also, you need to clean the floors, that's covered with all types of chips.
Who told you that you were grown, not showing adults respect?  Wouldn't it be better to be kind, and not get people upset?  
Who told you that you were grown, not to care how you look?  You can find all types of examples, in magazines and glamour books.
I want to tell you that you are not grown, and I will not deal with your attitude.  I want you to know that you are not all that, even though you think you are cool.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
  Apr 2014 Tinku
the problem with
being a poet in love,
is that you savour
& trust each word your lover has
without  question.

we are simply in love
with bare literature,
spoken from the lips of someone we hold
in higher regard
than ourselves sometimes.

when you love a poet
each word you utter,
should be a piece of artwork

each sentence,
a highly thought out structure of awe and beauty to leave us seeping
in the warmth of your voice
caressing such fine words

so when deciding that you love someone,
who writes or reads
fill their souls with beauty, memories & truth especially,
for a poet's heart breaks at ease.
  Apr 2014 Tinku
Rachel Mena
I don’t know why
but I get a feeling
in my chest
that it's coming
that something bad
is coming
I feel it
caving in on me
and the air is heavy
and I can not breath
but it’s coming
I can’t see the pain
that is coming
but I feel it
all the hurt
it's coming
I don’t know
or who
or when
or what
or what on earth
will happen
I wait
for this thing
to come
and take
my final breath
take me to my death
take me far away
this thing
I know
it’s coming
I don’t know
how to stop
its coming
its coming
its coming
it's here
it's here
it's here
the air
is gone
it's here
the thing
*it has me
  Apr 2014 Tinku
Sandra Juanita Nailing
There is a new television show called "Suits," loaded down with profanity.  As for me and my house, this is a show we do not care to see.
They are dressed in their find suits, walking to be seen.  On the inside of their mouth, profanity flows like a very corrupt stream.
I do pray quickly, that the show will be removed off the Air.  It's not good for our children to watch, because the producer do not care.
When they use foul language, they say it very bold.  To remove it off the Air, should be everyones goal.
When we leave out for work, we constantly hear profanity in lyrics, as we drive in our car.  To get home  to watch a show as this, has gone a little too far.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
  Apr 2014 Tinku
Theia Gwen
Saying "I love you"
To hear it back from your lips
A reassurance
My first Haiku.
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