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September sky,
O’ how I miss
The summer heat,
The radiating sun, and vacations that come with it
Instead I must find solace
In the slight rain drops
Maybe a little breeze
And the scattered clouds
Across the beautifully drawn above
Now taking a step back,
Maybe the tinted leaves
Is just a necessary change
To move life along
Through the casting away
Of summer
And welcoming
the September sky
Just to move through life
Feel the beat
Your feet
Let it shake
Your bones,
Let the lyrics
Nod your head,
Put you in the zone.
The melody
Taking your mind by storm
Been feeling it
Since I was born
That iridescent song
When just sitting in calm
You don’t have the effort
To fix the unraveling mess
In front of you
And so you wait and watch
Chaos unfolding
You, only a witness to the scheming,
Then blaming, and arguing
While in your calm, absent minded bubble
And you just feel
A little joy
Sometimes :)
By default
Is skinny,
Slightly fit

Stylish hair
Perfect face
Stylish clothes
Impeccable personality

but there are ones
Who’s beauty is unmatched
In their hearts;

That with every beat
A smile
Is brought to those
Who dare
To look through
What shows
past the mirror
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
We strive for something more,
That let’s us feel relief and content
But to feel that relief
There needs to be something..
Unpolished, impossible
In your life
To make the perfect moments;
Light can only exist with dark
Crack crack, you hear, the lens from which you view the world fell from your ***** hands, onto the cold hard ground.
You move too late. The people walking demand for you to get out of the way. In an instance you drop, the lens out of view. Left to be stepped on by the soles on everyone’s shoes.
Without it your left to fear, a tear falls but no one sees, you surely can’t.
Again you try to grab on, your hands shake, yet you succeed. Once again you put on the blurred lens, this time more blurred and cracked, and you continue to walk until your shaking hands drop it again,
crack crack, you hear.
A secret
None must tell
A secret
That may ridicule
Those caught in it

A secret,
That may threaten
To destroy the foundation
Of various relationships
But also spark new ones

This secret
May be deceiving those around
But can keep some together
The secret;
True love.
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