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 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Mike Hauser
Pardon me sir,
But you'll have to check your Elephant at the door

Why I've never been so insulted in my life!
This Elephant my friend is a very good friend of mine

I realize that sir,
But we have strict policies at this bar

What kind of establishment are you running here
When two friends can't sit and enjoy themselves a beer

Pardon me sir,
But the last time something like this ensued

We called up the law they called up the zoo
Seems there was nothing that we could do

It was madness and mayhem all over the place
You wouldn't believe the mess those animals made

There were Goats in the kitchen, Monkeys tending the bar
Giving free drinks and free food to the girls

And those **** Giraffes took all the ceiling fans out
Not to mention the mess that was scattered about

With the Hippos and Hyenas laughing it up
It took us forever to get the place scrubbed

So I must insist sir like I said before,
Would you kindly leave your Elephant checked at the door
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
I love it when you love me.
not just through word of mouth, telephoning,
writing, emailing,
I love it when you love me,
with your presence.

your proximity,
compels me to you,
its as if once near to you,
I'm possessed,
lost in a world,
I never knew could exist.

How my body aches,
for your warm loving touch,
you take me higher,
like a machine being driven to places,
you take me to places.

I'm so deeply lost in you,
for you have ways of making me feel needed,
I can't explain it,
but you amaze me..
your love for me makes me happy.
dedicated to my one and only<3
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
She looks around to see if there's anyone watching her.She quickly runs to the bathroom with tears filling her eye. The flashbacks are back again of what she used to call love. She locks herself in one of the bathroom and quietly the tears pour out, too oblivious to the pain she's feeling inside.
Out she pulls her only comfort, her friend and her relief. The blade so sharp digs into her skin cutting, cutting away the heavy thoughts, the nightmares, the fear, the pain she refuses to face yet she knows the blade she cuts with is her only protection from them.
The blade is there to take all the pain away, slowly , surely she lies to herself.
Her cuts deepen without her realising or thinking about the immense dripping of blood.
Suddenly it all disappears, the pain slowly fades away, her blade, her friend has fulfilled its job once again.
Its all over she say.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
I've become blind.
you have made me blind,
not just by sight,
but by body,
soul and mind,
all three in one,
in you,
I've fallen in love,
you give me courage to love,
lost in you,
I've learnt to find a place I can be
who I want to be,
lost in you,
I've find a better me,
the happier me,
a woman whose worthy,
to be loved.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
look up
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
"just look up"
mama would say.
she always smiled when she looked up,
as if she were high on drugs,
in this case she was high on God.
she loved to look up,
when the times were tough,
she'd look up and cry,
quietly whispering words of prayer to herself.
looking up gave her hope,
it made me wonder how God,
could answer so many prayers at once,
did he ever stop to take a break and forget about us?
or stop looking down.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
time lost
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
We lost the time,
the hours,
that were once ours
those moments of time can never be traced,
they can never be replayed
were they ever there?
time doesn't care,
and we proved that right,
by showing the same,
we lacked the strength,
to allow our hearts to show its nakedness,
our love,
the feeling that once shone out like light day in and day out.
so we left,
we walked away locking away our hearts in chains,
to never open up again,
we walked away with bare hands,
bare hearts,
bare minds,
bare, hours, secs spent in vain.
we lost time for each other.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Lazy little dancer
She leans on me and sways
I hold her in the depth of night
And lose her in the day

Lazy little dancer
I feel her spirit yawn
I wake her when it's time to go
My longing heart sleeps on

Lazy little dancer
She leans into the wind
Her sorrow is a part of me
Until I sleep again...
Traveler Tim
re po
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
This is a note
To you.
I'm sure you'll know who you are if you read this*

You've become a weakness for me
Someone I can't stop thinking about
You're on my mind constantly
And I know this is crossing that line
That was drawn last night
But there's a chance you'll never read this
And I'm not telling you in person
So, really, this is alright to do

You're one of the greatest people I've ever met
And for some reason I can't get you out of my head
I can't focus on anything
Sometimes it's internally embarrassing
Also, I can't comprehend why
Someone like you, so wonderful and unique
Would ever even think of someone like me
Someone so drab and boring

I'm supposed to be doing math right now
But these thoughts kept nagging at me
And since I'm not supposed to tell you personally
This is all I can do
And at this moment i feel ten times better
Than what I used to
And you'll probably never see this..
But at least I got this off my chest.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Xan Abyss
Body Invaded
Teeth scraping against vile pavement
Flashes I still try to erase
Haunt my day to day
Stop holding me down
it's not funny now
this isn't how
it can't be how
For ****'s sake
This can't be the way
this actually goes down.

The Pain is bad
but the shame
that's what really eats me away
Humiliation & blame
Like tar polluting my veins
don't tell anyone
whatever you do
don't tell anyone
It's not worth it
Nobody cares
and nobody wants to know.
Do your best to let it go,
Get over it.
Don't ruin the show.
the star needs to shine
don't stand in the way
don't tell anyone
it won't even matter someday.
Sometimes I still remember.
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