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Sep 2014 · 1.1k
the search
Timothy Sep 2014
I wander purple valleys,
in search of guava stones.
For cotton in the sunflowers,
for rubys in rhinestones.
I search for love in abuse,
& acceptance in neglect.
I search for me inside of you,
for wrong in the correct. all the wrong places.
Sep 2014 · 987
Even You...
Timothy Sep 2014
You there,
with your body laid
& your head rested
on your tear soaked pillow.
With the stains of unforgivable acts forced upon your body.
With the scars of abusive lovers,
with sharp tongues.
Yes you.
You deserve love.

With your battered bones
that creak & rattle,
with somber hymns
of hidden shame & hopelessness.
With insecure tastes
in your mouth,
that make you curse your being.

Yes you.
You deserve love.

With your desperation
& all your fears.
With your desire to awaken
from your fallacies of comfort.
From the caucus of neglect
that they left you to rot in.
Even though you may not know.

You. Yes you.
You deserve love.

— The End —