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 Sep 2016 Phia
Tiana Lloyd
I hide you in my poetry,
In every ink stroke, blot, and flow.
I hold on tight, clinging to your memory,
Not ready to let you go.

I hide you in my dreams,
In order to visit you every night.
We'd live forever there together,
Until I'm robbed of you by light.

I hide you in my actions,
In every decision, in every thought.
Remembering your mannerisms,
Only to repeat what you have taught.

I hide you in my tears,
In every drop, stream, and stain.
Pondering in stoic sorrow
On your affinity to cause pain.

I hide you in my soul,
And tether your essence to my heart.
I still cherish what once was had,
Despite this rift, despite this part.

I hide you in my smile,
In recollections of together.
However, it is time to say goodbye,
For nothing lasts forever...
 Sep 2016 Phia
The gallant wife
 Sep 2016 Phia
A crowd has gathered
in the home
of the unknown poet

a house of smoke
he calls it, but the poet
left for another affair

his gallant wife
descends the stairs
and shows no misery

while the guests read
his work sniffing
over their peer glasses

and with no regrets
whatsoever the poet's wife
drives a dagger deep
in her pale breast

as the poet is laughing
and dancing with ******
the guests at the table
place their orders.
Questions?  No more than four, please.
 Sep 2016 Phia
Gabriel Nicolo
Falling for someone you don't entirely know,
You are tirelessly entering an endeavor you are to lose,
You give your entire being to an entirely different entity,
Who entices you with flashes of brilliance and mistery.
You effortlessly exert effort for a hopeless cause.
You are endlessly waiting for an eternity that will not come,
You picked a battle you have lost long before you could have won.
To fall in love with someone you barely know, don't do it, just please, don't.
 Sep 2016 Phia

Hi there, how are you
I'm happy you stopped by
I really like the poems
you've been writing

You worded them so nice,
the phrases made me smile
I read them and my thoughts
begin igniting

I learn so many things,
from your creative work
You've taken me to places
I’ve not seen

The endings were superb,
your stanzas so enchanting
I felt as if I slipped
into a dream

You touched my lonely heart,
while I just sat here reading
Hoping when I did
it would inspire

So I could write like you,
express a thousand feelings
About this special woman
I desire

For I am so in love,
she makes my body tingle
More beautiful than I’ve  
seen anywhere

And when I kiss her lips,
completely mesmerizing
Like heaven sent an angel
down to share

My life is not the same,
whenever she is with me
To hold her in my arms,  
it feels so good

So thank you for your words,
the poems you’ve been posting
They help me out just like
I hoped they would

Now I am off to read
some more amazing poems
That I now find are scattered
on this site

And thanks for stopping by,
you wondrous hello poets
Keep writing and I wish you all
good night
I learn something every day from all of you amazing poets on this site. Thank you so much for your words and inspiration. I appreciate each and every one of you.
we are breathing the same air
we are looking at the same skies
we are living in the same world*

but why are our hearts are not beating in the same rhythm?

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