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  Jun 2018 The Misconstrued
Depression is...
Drowning but watching everyone breathe
Playing hide and go seek; never to be found
Acting; but not for a play
Depression is me losing my mind behind closed doors
Depression is digging my grave
I have become depression,
**You're next...
The Misconstrued Jun 2018
My feelings for you resonate in the rainy skies today,
A storm of emotions that threaten an outburst beyond my control,
And like every rain that falls upon this earth,
I let out my deep anguished cries but for a while,
Until its time to stop and let the sun shine and pretend to the world I'm fine instead.
will the rains ever end?
  Jun 2018 The Misconstrued
Eric W
Watch me as I fall
without you.
I've spent years
perfecting this dark energy;
you are not the first
to leave me longing.
Watch closely.
I can build a statue
from ashes,
inhabit order
by chaos.
Watch as I consume,
without myself,
I can fall,
but I cannot fail.
You only scratched
the surface
of who I was
and am,
but you let loose this
agony -
my flood,
my fuel.
Ever since I was a young teenager, I've worked on ways to turn my hurt and anger into something that betters my current situation. This is no different - let's see what comes.

Daily edit: I’m humbled to be chosen as the daily.  It’s an unbelievable honor. Thank you so much for the love and comments. Haven’t been super active lately because life, but I love you all.
  May 2018 The Misconstrued
And some days
I am nothing more
Than a refusal to be
Another poorly written suicide note
The Misconstrued May 2018
I binge eat on all possible junk food,
It inexplicably elevates my mood,
Now trapped by people ceaselessly commenting on my increasing weight,
Does anyone else feel like they are putting food in a body they now absolutely hate?
I can’t stop.
Pro tip: compliment her on her haircut or new shade of lipstick instead. Compliment him on his awesome t-shirt instead. Remember, every word makes an impact, negative or positive.
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