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I do not love you except because I love you;
I go from loving to not loving you,
From waiting to not waiting for you
My heart moves from cold to fire.

I love you only because it's you the one I love;
I hate you deeply, and hating you
Bend to you, and the measure of my changing love for you
Is that I do not see you but love you blindly.

Maybe January light will consume
My heart with its cruel
Ray, stealing my key to true calm.

In this part of the story I am the one who
Dies, the only one, and I will die of love because I love you,
Because I love you, Love, in fire and blood.
He is in love with questions
And the lilting world of words,
With the fabric of philosophy
And the taste of fresh ideas.

He is in love with the smell of green
And the shifting sands of dreams,
With the hunt for profound moments
And the hunger-lust for purpose.

He is in love with his books
And the zodiacs cross the planet,
With patterns of chain reactions
And the way we cog and gear.

He is in love with pools of stardust
And fanciful notions of theory,
With darkness, deep and coveted
And the fabric it is made from.

He is in love with one who left
And the poisoned past he bathes in,
With being perpetually lonesome
And floating twixt life’s sabulous banks.

He is in love with memories, and the universe,
And nobody else.

With my choking heart, I’m grasping at dust,
And I am in love with him.
Sometimes you open yourself up to a person because you feel and believe that they're different and maybe this time they won't break your heart and that your love will be requitted. So you go out on a limb and open up so much of yourself to this person. Things that you're afraid to tell others about because of fear of being judged or rejected. But there's just something about this person that allows you to tell them everything. You become so comfortable in the presence of that person that you openly admit your flaws, you don't hide it. You just completely lose yourself in love and in the thought and concept of being loved, of being in a relationship and of being with someone that you can be yourself with. The idea of that person just completely excites you and everything about them makes you happy. Seeing them and hearing their voice just helps you in an inexplicable manner and being with them is an emotion of complete comfortability on its  own. You learn to love this person and you accept their flaws and differences. You accept how they might not necessarily love eating McDonalds as much as you do or they are crazy about sci-fi movies where you can't even get yourself past watching a chick flick.
But that's just it, you don't mind.
You don't mind because love is about sacrifices.
Its about sacrificing your weekly episode of The Vampire Diaries to watch the most recent sports updates.

Because you'd rather lose the argument than to lose the person. You'd sacrifice a part of your daily routine all for love. The worst part is that nothing is guaranteed. You're not guaranteed how long you will be in a relationship with this person. You're not guaranteed complete happiness and you're not guaranteed that things are going to be perfect. You just have to trust this person and have faith. Believe the best and hope that everything will work out for the. Best. Believe that even if you break up with this person, that you're going to be ok. Everything is going to be ok, and that new beginnings are perfectly acceptable. Believe that you're going to overcome heartbreak of any kind. You just have to believe that someone out there is looking for someone like you.
What others see Wrong in you just might be the exact thing that will make someone else fall in love with you. And you need to be realistic. Not all relationships last forever. Some relationships are there for lessons and experiences. So that very person that you completely open yourself up to, can break your heart. It could be during or even after the relationship.

But its all part of life I guess. You'll never know how to love someone wholeheartedly if you haven't been hurt before. You just have to turn your heartbreak in to something positive, make the most out of your situation. See the light in the darkness. But learn to deal with things too. Find closure in what happened to you and don't leave a relationship with unfinished business. Because unfinished business will have to be finished sooner or later, and I think sooner is better. Allow yourself time to heal too. Opening yourself up to someone that much can hurt you a lot, and everything you had with that person will be completely lost in an instant. And you're gonna need to come to terms with that. Remember that what's meant to be , will be.

Love, is a complicated thing, and you're never quite sure how things could possibly turn out to be. You're just gonna go out on a limb each time hoping for the best and patiently waiting for your happily ever after with a special person.
As man of your complexion
The world around
Constantly betrays you
Even the women who are unknowing
To your struggle
Perception is a mother*
born in a different type of social and physically light
You could never understand the hype
And they could never understand your life
At young age neglected by your mother because of your fathers transgressions
But still you long for her affection
Her eldest
She loved you but not as much as the next ones
Still you struggle for her favor
Months and years go by no waving away
You got the brunt of the emotional abuse from your father neglecting to stay
Physically assaulted
Emotionally lost  
Spiritually awkward
So the truest form of love you fought for but it was foreign two decades passed
Now you just starting to know it
Just another unguided child grown adult through the pain of the smiles
They could never understand you or your thoughts out loud
You speak of pain only because you know it so well
True happiness was never found                so you reside in this hell
Question aRose about the savior
Looking for something proven
Sign your name on the dotted line
Extremely intelligent but they try to play you stupid
On the road to finer things you lost so much
Longing to live a decent life but emotionally and spiritually it cost so much
They say what's understood could never be explain
With no more tears left how do you explain the pain
Staring in the mirror
Reflection saying  ****
You were and still are everything  
No disagreements or ands
We walked through sand
I told you from that day
You held my hand
By your side I would forever stand
As time passes and all things fade
Like the unrefined diamond
I, stagnant,  will stay
Until it is my time to be perfected and crafted to the needs that best suit my wearer
Pressure ,pain, and harsh conditions made you even better
No back inside these dark mines I go until I'm graced with your presence
Through adventures of optimism
Somewhere I taught my self
That all it takes is a lil patience
You'll get back up and you can walk yourself
Somewhere the pain got too much and I lost myself
Drowning in my own tears steady begging for help
How you expect to know love
When it never was there
When you don't know yourself
Failed experiments with love had me feeling different
Signed my on the dotted line for it and I didn't see the difference
Biggest fear was being being alone and being away from it
Now I gotta face it everyday
All I ever did was sacrificed
Now that I have nothing
Maybe I'm a martyr or
A ***** who just can't get it right
I fought for it so much
Hands broken and ****** now I can't seem to fight for what's right
In the mirror Lil black boy with shrouded in tears is what I see every night
I'm constantly searching for something love with a purpose ;
I know you may think to disagree but in more ways you are worth it;
I've flown with the stars and took a peak of all that is earthly;
this one fact holds true and keeps rehearsing;
nothing compares to you and of that I am certain
What if I told you that even with your demons I adore you
I must implore you
to not let the negatives push you away and scorn you
No matter what transpires my heart will remain loyal
You hold my mind
And mi corazoñ
Them both
captives of your grace
I see the pain hidden behind your face
Although your beauty it doesn't erase
It shows how deep of a journey your love would take
See I too often gaze upon your beauty
In search for the mystery  in your fate
And Of your way to love
And To understand your history
Even me being unknowing
I'm amazed by your mystery

— The End —