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Sya Aug 2020
You stare at my eyes as i sit down
Telling me that they're pretty
Even when all i do is look at the ground
You asked me to sit down, and eat. Then tell me that i should be skinny

Then you wonder why i'm always in my room
You wonder why i refuse to look in your eyes
It because whenever i do you assume
That i'm nothing and then you lie

You compliment me everyday
Saying things, but not because you mean them
But you have to or else ill go away
You stand there scared that ill become

Better or stronger than you
Unlike yours my eyes shine in the sun
Or at least they did until the moment you blew
The glitter inside them away. Thats when everything begun

It was in that moment that you replace my shiny eyes with cold dead ones

My eyes were once filled with every possible emotion except negativity
But you took that away, you took away my sight
So i questio how you can still tell me theyre pretty
When stole theyre light

When i look in your eyes i see nothing
Theyre like a void devouring everything

And that scares me
You had once made me fear my own safety
in my own home. Can you not tell your the reason i came to be
You left me shaking with tears,  i was once your baby

Apparently that ddint matter, or simply did not care
My eyes hide stories in them
Waiting for the moment they can be released into the air

If you were to look in my eyes
not just glance over their color
You would see that most emotions have said their goodbyes
Leaving my life to grow smaller and smaller
Hiding away in the only place i can call my sanctuary
Hunched over my computer constantly typing
Away, the clicking of the keys have become my personal fairy
Fairy godmother, that vanishes when you come inside along with memory

Of the last time we spoke
You had once more left me breathing heavily and collapsing on the floor
You must think this is a joke
When its not i'm speaking facts, so leave out the door

The brown irises were once the color of honey
Now they're the color of the dirt
The same dirt that is stained bloodied
From the wounds you caused with your voice, causing me to hurt

Almost constantly,
The black pupil has seen things
If my life was  movie, it wouldn't be a comedy
It would be instead a tragedy
142 · Aug 2020
A Storm In The Summer
Sya Aug 2020
The warmth wind that rushes past my skin
The faint smell of rain that clouds the air
Bringing back tumbling rolls of emotion that had once been
The wind chimes that clank each other in the distance somewhere

The sky above carefully trickles water
Almost as if the sea of blue was crying
Blue, maybe it was sad and couldn’t be stronger
Or strong enough to keep on trying

Trying to withhold all of the awful memories
That been stored in its clouds, slowing turning into a summer storm
when the summer heat had clawed open the treachery
The trickle of the rain had become a pouring storm

Soaking every bit of happiness with the sadness in its heart
Everyday people would point at the world above them and admire
The beauty it was, but they could never tell that it was being torn apart
Yes it was beautiful but it was a beautiful disaster, engulfed in the fire

That had been lit by the “treasure” it held inside
The treasure that was poisoned and gold
There had once been jewels but they had all died
The moment somebody had told

There secret to the world, the secret that would only let them be free
Once the water had make contact with my glistening skin
It was soon dulled and all the familiar senses filled me
The water had grabbed a hold of my mind and pulled it a little too thin

Leaving only the harmful metal
Soon turning into rust
The brown colors matching the dirt and pebbles
The metal rotting away only reminding me of the past

The treacherous moments that had caused the storm in the first place
The person in these horrible memories had been drowned in the roaring waters
Like an assassin killing all the joy in my life without a single trace
It had been a ******, a slaughter

The clouds could only continue to let out strangled noises
The lighting flashing like cries for help
Only after their whimpers can they share their voices
The ground below them turning into a sea
A dark scary ocean that shares the same color as the sky
Sadness has overcome both of them leaving nothing to be
Except for those who had learned to fly

They soar across the sky
Dodging the poisonous water hearing the calls
The only question on their mind being why

Why had nobody heard their desperate callings
Why was the downpour happening

The only thing they hoped for was a rainbow in the morning
The calm after the damaging

— The End —