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 Dec 2020 Susy Kamber
 Dec 2020 Susy Kamber
The space in me and
in the universe i am a part of...
I cannot see it
Only feel it in the atoms between us
I search to bridge the gap
To fill it with my bones and shape it with my imprint.
All this space to fill...
getting you was
a cup of tea
holding onto you,
misery for me.

when you imagined
I'd go down on my knee
my first instinct,
was just to flee.

oh, can it be?
your voice is calling me
will you finally
set my soul free?
It's just your voices against mine.
Why do I have to long,
To find a place where I belong?
Just trying to find a place,
to rest this nomadic soul
a place to stay,
without a hole.
Walking our feet,
carry us everyday
How thankful are we,
to remember, and, say
how blessed we are,
each day
With two functioning,
legs, and feet to
to move each way,
forward, and back,
dancing without,
a thought for that
Look after your,
legs, and feet,
that is a sure fact,
carried on board
bolstered, propped up
Remember that

© 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney
Life what a precious,
thing to have
Given a calling once,
and, that's that
Live each day,
without a flat
Air pump to hand,
in case of that,
you can replace
the flat
No zero's
Not having that

© 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney
Natural home,
made of Cob alone
Free from pretension,
no redemption
Deep in the woods,
away from incomprehension  
Concentrated intensive,
tranquillity representation
Linked in to natural preservation
Mind, body, and soul, intertwined,
In one woodland reservation

© 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney
Rain drops
Created a
native beat,
on metal feet,
a native dance,
around the fire,
in trance,
enticed by the,
beautiful dance
Natural instruments,
create the prance

© 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney
I had placed a metal fan in the garden, to take to the shed.
It was not quite under, the garden umbrella,
as the rain drops hit the fan, it created a beautiful beat, as if i was watching a beautiful native dance in the sunshine.
healing us,
what a plus
Started with nature
biotic for us
Borrowed from
old French Erbe
H middle English,
restored to the word,
in the 15th century,
on the basis that Latin be
Remaining mute until,
the 19th century,
and, still is for many,
speakers concurrently
help aid us quick
So Erbe can do the trick

© 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney
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