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 Sep 2015 TiReSooOmEe3
The mistake was our love at first..
Toward the black it always was..
Toward the shadows cast by eternal light..
You then married into the light and didn't deliberate..
About a sad comfort that would take you over..
Never letting my shadow cast..
You wanted me around though.
You wanted to see me smile.
You wanted me to see you smile.
But if your not breathing then why should I.
It was because your certain love would never be denied.
So you continue to overdose on this ***** light.
While my shadow that is being cast in it slowly dies.
shadows fail
 Sep 2015 TiReSooOmEe3
it's nice how we all came together
to have this reunion day
a lot has changed since we've seen each other
but some things never go away

eyes look toward the lesser blessed
without understanding of their soul
we think we know a lot about each other
but some things we will never know

disgust on faces and ***** looks
she will never be our kind
voices mutter words of judgment
from behind the defining line

a woman walks off into the rain
as a Cadillac pulls away
they will never know her pain
at least not on this reunion day
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