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 Jun 2020 Steven T Wellman
you inhale tragedies
and exhale poetry
From where do you get your perseverance?
give me
a handful of
snap crackle and pop
the twilight hills
and their shadows dim,


the kind to turn boys to men,

lonely only looking for a friend.

reach for fire


they never heard my crow call,

cawing always drunkenawe.

all i need is them,
a grain of salt

selfinflictions, all my lovers ever saw.

once i loved a thing so pure

self-harmed, so sure.

always knew it was wrong.
Her gaze touched my soul

I saw beyond all futures

A life of torment
Although she was one person that touched my soul deeper than any other, she was addicted to demons from her past. She seeked the chaos of dysfunction and ever changing ups and downs, it was warm water for her mind and the abused little girl she couldn't grow apart from.

— The End —