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I had  some problems  im going to be away for a while
Gonna miss you my friends
Just writing this to say goodbye
I hate to miss HP and miss your  words
It breaks my heart
Gonna be back when ever I get  the chance
 Apr 2017 SteffyWeffy
Nik Bland
Trembling vision and quivering knees indicate your world is shaking
A sinkhole beneath the concrete once thought of as a foundation
A tapestry of normality ripped violently to pieces
As you find yourself falling once again

A bleeding heart within my sight, a glass wall in between
As you pour your insides onto the floor and I look on helplessly
And I would offer a healing word, but the world drowns them silent
As I find you there, falling once again...
I can write yet I can't speak
I am strong yet I'm weak
I can express my thoughts on this page
Yet I am truly hesitant of the stage

My thoughts abound
Yet my voice finds no sound
I am quiet within the roars of crowds
Yet my mind soars above clouds

Though at times I wish to change
And my silent voice rearrange
I'm more creative due to compliance
I hear more due to silence

I remain humble behind the scenes
Trapped in the confines of my dreams
Whether by fear or by choice
I possess a silent voice
My kingdom is no longer of this world
I shall escape for i am no longer the lord
I am a traveller always walking without a goal
A wanderer moving away without a home

I am no longer of this world
My people are calling me
Let them run after me

This earth have grown too round for me
I shall hide blissfuly
I shall enjoy my security

I and me will run alone though we shall miss our land
In the night however , we shall dance

Words Of Harfouchism
There's a picture of me when I was younger on the nightstand
My pudgy little toddler cheeks beaming toward the camera
I'm holding sand in my hands, have been for all of these years
I don't see it slipping through my fingers

I think it's raining outside
It splashes on my window with soft thuds
Like the sound of faerie feet dancing across your face before you go to sleep

If I fell asleep now, I know I wouldn't dream
My eyes flutter, but there's too much to do and never enough Time-
It's always been slipping through my fingers, all of these years
I just wanted to be a good person, you know?

If I actually did my english homework tonight,
Would it warn me that good and perfect were never synonyms?
I don't though
I text you instead

"... and I'm really scared of becoming anorexic," I type
"I don't want to be like that"
"Oh sweetie," you hesitate
"If you're starving yourself then you already are. And that's okay"

My mind runs blank with those words

I'm anorexic.

I stare down the photograph of my toddler self, her and her empty, innocent eyes
I'm anorexic.
I bet she never saw this coming

Don't let me be like time or sand
*Please, don't let me slip away
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