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  Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
Jess Hays
The truth is I'm not okay
How should I be with you away
A daddy's little girl from far away
You were suppo... I hoped you'd be back today
But you're not.
I'm not too old to be tucked in
But I feel like I'm on my own...
Like I'm in college, not at home
Because its not home with just mom and I
It's obvious when I look into her eyes
Or stare into a mirror at mine.
I miss you daddy.
You've been away for far too long...
And you're still not done with being gone.
I'd never let you know from so far away,
But I wish you were here today
  Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
Jess Hays
Childhood hopes vanished
When you were trapped in concrete walls
Pleading victim, charged as guilty
Time and time, I watched you fall
Psychologically manipulative
Assimilating crime into your life
Not just you, but all of us again
This family, you gave no meaning,
Your words are so empty,
Too often you are missing.
Arrested into an orange jumpsuit
The locks keep changing on you.
  Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
I need to be saved by someone else, otherwise I might just die.
SteffyWeffy Aug 2016
I decided to wear a short sleeve shirt today since it was hot.
I was going to a church cook out.
I didn’t really want to go, but I did.
I thought it would be fun, I had a good attitude about it.
Something happened though, this guy came up to me.
He said you’re a cutter, he saw my scars and cuts.
I had band aids on them, they were coming off though a little.
He said you’re a cutter and then laughed.
Why did he laugh?
Was it funny to him?
Did he just not know what to say?
I have had people stare at me before.
I have had people comment on my weight.
But no one has said anything about my self-harm scars and cuts.
I guess he thought it was funny.
I don’t find it funny.
I’m glad this day is over.
SteffyWeffy Aug 2016
The child is crying, she is helpless.
People are yelling at her.
She is trying to grab onto her mother.
I couldn’t handle the screaming, I heard a lot of it when I was younger.
I didn’t want to scream; I didn’t want to say anything.
I’m as bad as the people who abused me.
I’m no better I watched her cry, I didn’t pick her up.
I’m so sorry.
SteffyWeffy Aug 2016
The houses line the street, some big and some small.
Beautiful big trees are in every yard, orange and brown leaves falling off of them.
Kids are playing, a little girl is playing with chalk in her driveway.
Another child is learning to ride her bike on the sidewalk, her dad is so proud of her.
I see this girl, she is sitting in her front yard in the grass, she is beautiful.
She is wearing black jeans with a black long sleeve shirt on.
She has a book next to her.
Her eyes look sad, I wonder why?
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