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Lift those heavy eyelids
Another day’s begun
No rest if you want to get ahead
No rest if you don’t want to fall behind
No rest
Just keep those legs moving
Just keep breathing burning breaths
And maybe you can trade in all your missed sleep
And tired muscles
For enough to get by until it’s time for your permanent rest
10 lines, 232 days left.
Trust is a limited currency
For those who have wronged us,
And the wall subconsciously built
In a day, can only be taken a part
Brick by brick,

But those who speak
For the force unheard,
Only proven to exist in a feeling
Or in the passed down book,
I think, are given too much credit.

Speaking for that which cannot speak for itself
Inherently is wrong, yet these priests
We give our trust
Despite the controversy
They always bring up

Speaking for not the god
That those sitting there
Came to hear about,
But speaking for those
There sitting.

Swaying and advising
The path they take and what direction
And nodding heads,
And right hands pointed to the sky
Tell you nobody pays much attention.

For a priest
Who preaches abstinence
And practices excess
On the underaged sons,
Open your eyes.

That stage shouldn’t be upheld
By one who sways people
Against one another,
But with the bible in the right context,
Anything could be directed towards anyone.

Limit your currency of trust
For those who prove
They deserve it,
The church can heal,
But my, oh my, can the pasture bleat.
47 lines, 233 days left.
It’s like a bomb going off,
All you can do
Is admire from a distance
At the pinnacle of mankind’s
Mode to self destruction
And either go crazy
Trying to survive the coming wave,
Or sit there waiting
To be buried
By the steady increase
Of the coming sound.
11 lines, 235 days left.
No warning
A trusting heart
Dropped from the peak
Of the lover’s climb
But by the time she noticed
I was already back at the base
Dragged to the bottom by the emptiness
That comes from burned out receptors
Where only doubts and pain now grow

Conversations with therapists later
Old wounds began to heal
Mental balance restored through pills
And good friends
But now free of the emptiness’ grasp
My eyes could see clearly the scene I had caused
And the weight of my betrayal crushed me

Now 7 months and a day
From the time I knew I loved her
Without warning
My heart is dashed on the rocks
At the base of the lover’s climb
Where my darling sits with an expressionless face
But I won’t hold any bitterness
I know she was dragged
She didn’t walk freely
And with this defiance of the cycle
I hope she can be saved from the guilt at the end of healing
29 lines, 236 days left.
Calm is the storm when you’re away
Dreaming I’m sure of what I’m thinking,
And what desires I crave.
There’s a creature lurking behind the treeline
Of the distant forest, and a part of me
Yearns to adventure there
To see what ways it’ll have me.

A cage unlocked by undone straps,
Button, zipper, and tied laces,
And torn clothes from impulsive thirst
For more skin to be shown,
I know you crave it.

The bark will make its mark
As torn skin likewise will against it,
Follow me to the treeline,
Where none but the feral dare go,
To have their way
As the domesticated
Run for suburbia.

There’s nothing to fear
If your beast fights as mine,
For where’s the fun in vanilla,
When red is such a pretty color,
You don’t need to be careful with me,
Show me what you’re made of.

Tonight, let’s be the new urban legend,
And dismiss the thoughts of making it out alive
Or letting the sunrise save us from our fate.
32 lines, 237 days left.
Fighting's too much work
The punches keep coming
No matter how many I dodge
So I'm learning to take the hits on my chin
Let it happen
And keep moving
6 lines, 238 days left.
I wish it were sad to see you go,
But the hatred I hold in my fists
And the swelling need
For this bottle to burst
In your face makes it hard
To not wish you left right away
Without putting in your 2-weeks.
2 more weeks to waste my time
Steal from the company
Make future relationships
For you to cheat on your husband

You always quit before people can fire you,
And I hope since your husband is the one
Who will hire you, you’ll show him no more
Respect than you show me,
And you’ll finally go **** your friend
That you always rant to me about.

I can’t stand it any more.
20 lines, 239 days left.
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