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  Jun 2020 Sreeyaa
A pause..

The pulse quickens
Throat swallows
Tension thickens
A breath follows

The silence weighs a ton
An everlasting duration
To the silence between someone
The sound of hesitation
Written 06.19.2020
  Jun 2020 Sreeyaa
i cannot
and will not
for loving him

i mean

you would never expect
the moon
to apologize
for being attracted
to the earth
but i can promise
i’ll never collide
with him at night

i’ll just keep orbiting
  Jun 2020 Sreeyaa
James Daniel
We converse with complete strangers
To say the things we don't
To our families
Sreeyaa Jun 2020
I long to know,
what it would feel like ,
to touch some snow
well, I've always lived in humid places and visited places only during the spring
  Jun 2020 Sreeyaa
Words are worth
Infinitely more
When they’re etched in your own currency
(time well spent)
Write For You And You Alone
Sreeyaa Jun 2020
Hate and I,
we aren't much different,
neither of us ever shy,
we're both transparent

Hate and I,
we're both very stubborn,
sometimes we make you lie,
cause some heart burn

Hate and I,
we're both very needy,
at times we'll make you cry,
I'd say we're very greedy

Hate and I,
we'll both make you care,
we'll make you pry,
you'll hate to share

Hate and I,
between us is a thin line,
a lot of laws we defy,
don't have a definite design

Hate and I,
we'll put you on the edge,
we're eye for an eye,
never been a void to wedge
  Jun 2020 Sreeyaa
He stares at his reflection
a monster
he says
but is he really?

the more he stares
the more they win
like white noise ringing
through his head

the person he was,
simply gone
broken down
reduced to atoms

mouth taped down
but shouting louder than ever

lost in a limbo of truth
memories fade
seasons change

'man up'
speak up
reach out
your life's a joke
no point of feeling like this?
is he really a man!
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