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15.7k · Apr 2019
Thomas Wan Apr 2019
Love is like taxis
They're everywhere when you don't need it
But nowhere to be found when you do
715 · Jun 2019
Thomas Wan Jun 2019
There are no right roads,
just the ones
you regret the least.
665 · May 2019
Thomas Wan May 2019
For some,
Life hits like a truck.
For others:
A thousand papercuts.
411 · Apr 2019
Angels and Demons
Thomas Wan Apr 2019
If earth were a prison,
Some of us are misbehaving angels;
Demons on parole.
364 · Apr 2019
Thomas Wan Apr 2019
Across the skies
The Angel fell
288 · Apr 2019
Dead dreams
Thomas Wan Apr 2019
When people die we sleep in graves—
Where do memories go when they die?

To the same place where broken dreams go?
Where the sky is dark:
no up, no down, no before, no after?

To the land of could-have-beens,
Where lost souls wander, where the deathless cry?

Or to a land beneath a lilac sky,
To some sweet place in a far green country,
by a river at the edge of night?
Where the crownless are king,
And the wingless fly?
271 · Apr 2019
Thomas Wan Apr 2019
Its like a musician gone deaf
or a handless artist
You can remember where the joy was
But it's gone from you
213 · Apr 2019
The Wolf
Thomas Wan Apr 2019
The Wolf
runs not with dogs
201 · Apr 2019
Thomas Wan Apr 2019
The traveller comes home,
The wanderer returns—
But reality is not a book.
When you go back, be prepared:
For sad eyes and gravesides and greying hair.
For those who’re gone, for those who were never here,
For crayons lost and empty chairs,
For keys that don’t fit and slamming doors.
Those you’ve left behind, and those who stopped waiting…
Those still waiting for you,
and those you’re still waiting for.
180 · Apr 2019
If only
Thomas Wan Apr 2019
If only we could freeze time, capture a single moment,
Like a dew on a green leaf,
Like a winter flower that blooms every twenty years,
That dies ere the sun rises again.
Instead we must endure:
Growing up too fast, pretending to be men,
Fly on and on like a bird born without legs.
Slave a lifetime for a single dollar—
Go screaming into the good night,
Burn out like a falling star.
178 · Apr 2019
Thomas Wan Apr 2019
is the greatest thief

— The End —