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The mind moves mountains.
Poetry in motion proves louder than…
The lies that corrupt our lives.

The stinging songs of society will expire,
Exasperating sighs of the soul will tire,
The truth will triumph no matter the cost,
Before every crown surely comes the cross.

If poetry is the power to end every plight,
I’d gladly say, “This is why I write!”

Before you see through my eyes, walk my line,
Breathe through my lungs and tour my mind.
Travel through my veins, through my very flesh,
You will understand why life is vain, a frail test.

As I’m…
Chased by the many demons in the night,
They compel me to make things right.
The pain in my chest becomes too tight.
And I’m seeing…
Tears that are not my own.
And I finally understand…
That which is sown is grown and eventually mown.

The skill and the will and the futile fights,
To prove the world isn’t black and white.

If poetry is the power to end every plight,
I’d gladly say, “This is why I write!”
© Thorne J. McFarlane
 Jan 2020 Shubhkiran
kindness given
kindness received
small transactions
unseen, .
but not unnoticed
are the true pennies
from heaven
tossed with love,
into the wells
of our tired hearts

Can any one spare
a penny.... or two
With thanks to the Nattyman..for throwing his piggy bank at us

— The End —