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103 · Mar 2022
Shy moon 🌝
The moon watched him every night.
He looked up and searched with his eyes.
Told her he was lonely.
If she had seen his love.
That’s when she knew
she was falling in love
Shy moon
hid behind the clouds.

Shell ✨🐚
103 · Feb 2022
Wild flowers 🌺
colorful wild flowers in the sun
Never a care just paint a happy

Shell ✨🐚
He is broken
In need of love
Every little gesture
Is never to much
Come along stranger
Look around
Be kind to him
Leave all the virtual behind
Start the healing.

Shell ✨🐚
The virtual world is just that.
102 · Mar 2021
Just another day
Early in the morning
Just before the  sun comes up
You can hear
them chirping
Sitting in trees, at the top
Chirping from pure delight
They can’t hide what they’re feeling
They can’t wait for day to start.
To discover everything  all over
new secrets of the same sight
Over and over again
just in another’s day light!

Let’s be like birds.

Gratitude for just another day
102 · Apr 2023
When the sun sets.
Stillness in sunset’s glow
Golden song with soundless wind
Last birds call before flying home
Color spectacle inviting dark of night
Sun sinking slowly
hoping to lay eyes for  moon to see
Lingering love at twilight.

Shell ✨🐚
Sunset , one of the many.
Every time different.
102 · May 2021
Quote 33🌷
My love❤️
I would travel
through many universes
Cross many timelines
just to meet you.

Shell ✨🐚
102 · Apr 2022
Good day, day of Sabbath
Close your eyes
Glowing light on peaceful day
Golden sun, silver rain
on green valleys and land
Purpose of a mindful time
Meditate for inner peace
Feel closer to God today.

Shell ✨🐚
102 · Jun 2021
Haiku- nature🌱🌼🌱
Surroundings grass green
Yellow flowers inbetween
Bright nature painting

Shell ✨🐚
102 · Mar 2022
Time to blossom
Fresh green landscape  filled with morning dew.
Awakening after winter sleep
Turquoise sky
Soft pale sun greeting pastel blooming trees .
Whispering leaves in all kinds of green.
Field with opening flower buds
All in blooming mode
As far as the eyes can see.
Soon splendor of colors will follow .I can hear early chatter of parakeets.
Birds can’t wait to bathe in splash of water.
Everything alive back to live the fullest
Everyone in bloom
People energetic, smiling in their happy clothes
Spring painting, rich and colorful
coming to life.

Shell ✨🐚
Spring begins.
102 · Jun 2021
Blue moon butterfly 🦋
Blue moon butterfly
If we could only see what you see
It would be a whole new world
Polarized light
Dazzling colors come to life
To attract each other
Blue moon to see.

101 · Jul 13
Silent bird
The bird sat still
For years.
One wing was free.
First moving wildly,
while the other was tied down.
The bird learned through watching.
Fed by the wind.
To survive this flightless life,
still full of light.
Never reaching potential heights.
Now set free he didn’t even know how to fly anymore.
There sits a still bird still.
Wondering what it’s like
up there .

Shell ✨🐚
A metaphor.
101 · Sep 2022
Flaming sunset 🌅
Bright colored painting in the sky
With flaming streaks sun says goodbye
Flying ducks in a hurry
they’re not home yet
Elegant standing tree’s silhouettes
Mirror image in still lake
Creating two sunsets if that’s what it takes
to pin this image for eternity to see.
Beauty of nature, the hope that it will always be.
Peaceful feelings is what I get
looking at this wonderful  creation
of God’s palette.

Shell ✨🐚
Beauty of nature.
100 · Jun 2021
Sunset swing ride
While the sun sets
with all  its color splendor
I’m flying high on my swing
Almost touching the sky
Close my eyes let my fantasy run wild.
Leave everything behind.

Never let go of your inner child.
Never stop dreaming.
100 · Mar 2022
Quote 95🌷
Everyday you live a day
Everyday you die a day
make every day worth living
make every day worth dying
Live a life not in vain.

Shell ✨🐚
Don’t waste a day of your life
It’s too short.
100 · Mar 2022
Spring is near 🌿
Seeing  young leaves
all kinds of green.
Fields with opening flower buds
All in blooming mode
As far as the eyes can see.
Soon splendor of colors will
between waving weeds.
Sun will come up, warm beams caressing me.
The moon will look down and smile
clear night sky brings peace to mind
People falling in love
Some happy, some sad.

Shell ✨🐚
Spring time.
Changing your color
From yellow to gold
Changing my mood
A promise you hold
Caresses for eyes
Soothing my soul
Sweet autumn time. 🍂  🍂  

Shell ✨🐚
I dance the dance of my ancestors .
Wear my culture as my skin
Present myself with all emotions
In honor of those  before me ,
roots of my standing tree.
The ones  who live through me forever in my genes they  be.
It is the dance of unspoken promise
A song of love from deep within
I’m happy , alert
and free in waiting .
To come and take me far away
Flying high as eagle birds do
Hear the longing in the rhythm
In this golden eagle dance
For you my love , my country
I am in full display.

Treasure Your culture, what you inherit from generations before you
It’s who you are!
99 · Feb 2021
Storm in the night
Storm in my heart
Let it rain all night
Let me weep till morning light Tomorrow is another day
The sun will shine
Storms are never here to stay.
Just a disastrous way
to clear the way!!

Always stay hopeful!

Shell ✨🐚
Always stay positive no matter what!!
99 · Oct 2021
Quote 69🌷
Sometimes you have
to get lost first
to find a new way.

99 · May 2021
Quote 42🌷
White dove sitting still
Looking up above
No use flying now
No peace yet.

Shell ✨🐚
99 · Mar 2021
Quote 7🌷
In the garden of God every flower is special !!!!

Shell ✨🐚
The clock is ticking towards midnight hour
Towards end of just another year.
Soon last season will take over, time to
leave behind all that isn’t good for you
Just like fall’s fallen leaves will leave
Time for  reflection can begin.
Keys are there for doors to open
To unlock life’s hidden mysteries
and to close doors to all
that’s over,
time for forgiveness sets in.
Another chance is given to make wrongs right .
It’s time for a new begin.

Every season has its own charm.
Every year new mysteries.

Every day in life you have the chance for new beginnings.
Every day can bring you light .

Shell ✨🐚
99 · Jun 2023
Quote 161🌷
Only a smile gives a smile
Only kindness leads to kindness
Only love attracts love.

Shell  ✨🐚
99 · Jan 15
Lover’s silhouette
Through twilight’s fields
We walk this Earth.
Until we meet our beloved.
Kiss me gently,
before nightfall.

Shell ✨🐚
Life in twilight
Love in twilight
In twilight Silhouettes to see.
98 · Sep 2021
At peace , Zen- Autumn
Walking in silent
a golden field
Soft weather surrounds me
I am at peace.....

Lie down
on a soft blanket
all kinds of leaves
yellow to brown
fresh air I breath
I am at peace...

Lying down
I hear a quiet song
It’s from inside me
Deep in my mind
Close my eyes
Lifted in the air.
I am at peace....,

Shell ✨🐚
Autumn time, adjust your pace, peaceful time.
Autumn and Zen
98 · Aug 2021
In the comfort of the dark we stand
To the light we grow
All in need of love
To  find our true self and shine.

Nature’s breathtaking Christmas image.
Snow covering mountain top
reaching grey sky.
At the foot of these majestic creations
different sizes pine trees,  
in between a blanket of velvet cold
creating this peaceful Noel view.
Streaming like a jewel ribbon
through white valley land,
aquamarine colored waters.
Hidden between these high mountains
are lakes of heaven land.
Watch in admiration ,
the stillness of the wind.
Feel closer to God .

Shell ✨🐚
98 · Mar 2022
Quote 99🌷
Slap him  in the face
and he will glow
He  will end up a candle lightening your way.

The one you hurt can end up being your angel.

Shell ✨🐚
98 · Dec 2021
Quote 79🌷
Nothing stays forever
but the deeds of a kind heart.
Like the little waves of shore
meet at infinity of the horizon

Shell ✨🐚
All little kind deeds can lead to a better world,
To peace on Earth.
98 · Apr 2022
Silent beauty in nature
White orchids petals overlapping in sweet embrace
Like silence between raindrops falling
breathe in peaceful place.
Let music of nature reach you deeply, lift you up
bringing you to higher ways
Leaving all stress behind
Letting inner peace enter mind.

Shell ✨🐚
98 · Oct 2021
Into the deep
From the deepness of the blue
She arises to heaven.
Blue to blue
Smiling and inviting you
Mermaid of sea

Swirling dolphin of the deep
Want to see the beauty underneath
Come and take a  dive with me
To the depth of oceans blue
Where the real  treasures are

Life colorful and diverse
A real fantasy world out there
Many different corals and fish
Into the deep , underneath
Where life once began.

Shell ✨🐚
Ocean life a necessity for survival
Let’s treasure our oceans and seas
Keep pollution far away
To save our planet
98 · Jun 2021
Little things
Lucky are those who see beauty in all the little things.
Little things in nature.
Little gestures of the people.
One simple flower, a melody, a song, a kind smile.
A simple hello or goodbye.
When someone asks
How are you today?
Brings you a long way
can save the day.

Count your little blessings
97 · Apr 2021
Haiku- justice
People’s rights so right
George floyds trial makes me sad
Justice is needed.

It’s time for justice and equal rights for all!! Respect human rights!!
97 · Aug 2021
Devils land
The innocent is also the naive.
If not hold by hand , getting lost in neverland.
Comes eye to eye with darkness
See sparkles in sight
Lured away
Leading to devils ways.

Shell ✨🐚
97 · Apr 2021
Night life ✨🌙⭐️
Midnight blue canvas
With goldenlike stars
Million of starlights from light years afar.
One yellow moon watching this earth
Moons eyes wide open
Shedding light over this world.
Dark is the cosmos and so is the earth.
How many children are tucked in saying prayers tonight.
How many
are born while  others will  die.
How many crimes which
couldn’t see daylight.
How many homeless sleeping
on streets.
How many children refugees.
The moon the only witness to see.
Dogs keep on barking
while men try to sleep.
Birds sitting quiet
watching cats on the
The moon already tired
Yawning to sleep
Waits for the morning
for the sun to greet.
Then another night will fall over this beautiful earth ,
not so friendly world.
The moon will keep watching
as long as God keeps turning
the earth.

Shell ✨🐚
Nights. Don’t mean the same for everyone.
97 · Jan 2022
Breathtaking winter day
Silver waterfalls still
No movement
Golden lake stream,
peaceful silent sounds
Soft sunbeams on white leaves
Trees hold their breath
Shivering cold, warm clothes
clean air.
Beautiful winter day.

Shell ✨🐚
97 · Apr 2021
Just dots
We are nothing more
then  little dots
in this great universe
Little dots everywhere
Which can disappear at any moment,mostly unprepared.
Leaving this grand
picture unchanged
No one cares.
We’re nothing more then
insignificant dots
in this infinite universe.
So live and do good
make a difference
before it’s over.

Live life the fullest!! Always try to be good!! Live with love!!
Life is too short.
97 · Mar 2022
Early spring vibe
White tulips by streaming waters
Immaculate in whispering winds
Breathing fresh air in early spring
Like old castle gardens with picture perfect sight
a wonderful feeling
gives you  a
peaceful vibe.

96 · Apr 15
His own world
I was born different.
They knew from the start.
I was a healthy baby boy.
Really cute and beautiful too.
But then I started crying.
All day and all night long.
No one knew what the problem was.

Bring me to places
Where it is quiet and peaceful.
Dear mother, I know.
I am as I am and only you understand.
I need calmness in my head.

Shell ✨🐚
We are born not the same but genuine.
There are many children born with autism, some so slightly that’s not recognized. These children can flourish when getting the right guidance.
95 · Jul 2021
Birthday present 🎁
Every year a birthday passes
We grow old but feel the same
Stay beautiful, humble and kind
Be a present to this world

95 · Oct 2022
Busses, trains, subways
Loaded with people
No eye contact whatsoever
You feel yourself drowning
Drowning in the crowd
Drowning in isolation .
God for everyone
Everyone for themselves.
Give me back simple life.
Let me return to nature.

Shell ✨🐚
So much loneliness in such crowds.
95 · May 2021
When in silence
tears appear
falling down like pearls
Someone you love died or
Someone dear to you just left
Or because you lost your way
Lost the faith to pray
Or someone you know is hurt
Or just because
someone far away
who you don’t know is in pain.
Yes it all makes one cry.

So many are sad and hurt now!
Know that you are not alone.
95 · Sep 26
When the leaves of fall have fallen 🍂
You see the beauty of the silhouettes.

Shell ✨🐚
95 · Feb 16
Dreamers gateway
Dream the dreams of dreamers
Where the sun sets in different ways.
Many gateways we have
go through
To be where we’re supposed
to stay.

Holy gateway to the heavens
Cherry blossom trees
blossom by the sea.
Close your eyes
and see.
Find your gateway in
your dream.

Shell ✨🐚
So many gateways in life, love and dreams,
95 · Sep 2023
Autumn- haiku
falling leaves of fall
rainy days with faster pace
umbrellas season

Shell ✨🐚
95 · Jul 2021
Lovers gate. 💕
Deeply in love,
Heart beating fast
Butterflies everywhere
songs in my heart.
To be taken by waves of sea
Where heaven meets earth
I lost all control
lay down on a cloud
Bringing me to my lover
at lovers gate.

Being in love means losing control.
94 · Apr 2021
Let me be taken by the wind
To a faraway place
Where love stories begin
Maybe I’ll meet you there.

Beautiful journey of the mind
94 · Dec 2021
Quiet trust.
Somewhere deep inside
There still  is this quiet trust
In the good in all the people
In the love in all of us
Despite everything that happened
Still trust in the love that’s there
Only love wins all battles
and will give  peace on Earth
Be loved and love.

A happy and blessed December month to all of you.
94 · Mar 2022
Quote 101🌷
Beautiful is the one who is filled with love
Ready to forgive those who did him wrong
Blessed by the hand of God.

94 · Apr 2021
Like a crown 👑
Wear your past like a crown
Hold your head high
It’s what made
who you are today
What will make you
king tomorrow.
If you do it right.

The past is the fundament of who you are and who you will become!?
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