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93 · Jan 2022
Quote 85🌷
Death where is your home
if not within the memory
of the ones you  loved dearly.
Fruit of your womb,
who will carry you now.

Shell ✨🐚
To give love
you must have love inside
To be kind
you must have kindness inside
Love yourself
Be kind to yourself
You can’t give what you don’t have!!

Always be good to yourself and others!
93 · Mar 2022
Quote 96🌷
Woman, mother of all mothers
Mother of all fathers.
Queen you are.

93 · May 2022
White rose
And when he left this world
All roses were in bloom.
It was the white one which was his favorite
And everytime I see a white rose in full bloom
I hope he knows,
I’m thinking
crying heart and smiling thoughts ,
of the one white rose that once was.
The one who blooms in spirit
In this rose lies everything that binds us.
This white rose always meant pure love.

Shell ✨🐚
The white rose stands for everything pure and peaceful.
93 · May 2021
Picture in my mind
I see
Blue clear sky, no clouds
Yellow sunbeams
Green landscapes
Bright colored flowers
Time stands still
No wind
Gracious moving swans
Silent flock of birds
Children playing
People praying.

Every day life. Look around and see.
92 · Sep 2022
Hope of light
Purple shades of sky
blinding eyes of starlike sunrise
Over mountain highs
and valley lows you shine.
Giving hope to every corner of the day.

Shell ✨🐚
92 · May 2023
Blooming fields of love
When the sun shines
All buds feel a tickling love
Warm beams, urging them to awaken.
Open your eyes look at me.
Trees are happy, waving in the wind.
Some are just standing elegantly still
Showing off their bloom.
Mellow to strong fragrances fill the air
Making bees and butterflies busy and wild.
It’s their time in paradise
To make sure everything blooms before summer is over.

My love
With you I always am
like a tree in full blossom
May I caress your eyes
every season of life
Give you comfort
with my shadow
For always.

Shell ✨🐚
“Life without love is like a tree without blossom or fruit “
Khalil Gibran.
92 · Feb 2022
Prayer ( homeless child)
On the music of the wind
She started dancing
Listening with closed eyes
Felt sunbeams on her skin
Yet another hard day to go through on
empty stomach
in this no one’s land.
Bare ground is my bed
and everything
I watch nature
Hope nature watches me.
God keep the wind soft
Let the sun keep shining
In this dark cold world of mine
So that I can keep on dancing
in my imagination.
Keep surviving.
One day at a time.

Many  children al over the world never had a home.
91 · Jul 29
Soon only a memory.
In twilight’s light
another day is passing
Like a little sailboat on open waters.
Sinking sun slowly fading.
Looking through the frame of life I see
different pictures passing.
Seems like yesterday I came through dark waters.
Embracing light of life full
of sunshine full of rain.
Soon the time will come as twilight time is over.
Stepping into night of life
to meet the light of darkness.
Pastel view, soon yesterday’s
Smelling blooming fragrance and the scent of fresh coffee
while life is growing older.

Yesterdays, yesteryears
Soon only a memory of you.

Shell ✨🐚
When you lose  someone you realize even more how we all will be a memory sometime.
91 · Oct 2022
Quote 130🌷
You can’t be somebody’s option
Show your worth only  to those who see you as a priority.
Only they are worthy of you.

Shell ✨🐚
91 · Feb 2022
Memory in falling rain
Billions of years gave billions of tears
From broken people’s pain
From sadness deep within
Tears on soil of Earth
Weeping people’s tears of soul
Come  back as rain again
Blessings from the sky above
Make all the flowers bloom
Bring beauty and joy to life
eraser of all pain
Grief of ancestors blood and sweat
Now blessings from the sky
Fall on me to  ease my pain
Make us whole again.

Do tears just heal
Do tears just dry.
91 · Mar 2022
in breathtaking wilderness
Wild mustangs running wild
but gracious
Pure and noble
Don’t interfere.
Let it be.

Shell ✨🐚
Purity of untouched nature
91 · Apr 2021
Heavy scent of flowers
Ascending up to heaven
Lay down in your garden
close your eyes
let the scent  sink in.
Now you can say you tasted heaven , right here on earth where it begins.

Shell ✨🐚
Let the beauty of spring nature capture you and set you free.
91 · May 2021
Spark to fire
Just like
A little spark
Touched by a slight breeze
You’re like oxygen to me
To lighten up
this  ever burning flame of love
To set my heart on fire.

Shell ✨🐚
Love.  feelings
91 · Aug 2021
A metaphor
Lazy moon
asleep tonight
Dark night
Million stars
Visible to those
who wants to see.
To those with
open mind.

Shell ✨🐚
Sometimes in life nothing seems to go the way you want to. Still be aware of all the other things that are there in your life right now.
91 · Aug 2022
Lover’s garden
In the garden of my dreams
I dance amongst the flowers
In anticipation of the one to meet
Who will visit my dream garden.
Many flowers with different colors ,
up to heaven their scent will rise
Flower’s gateway to my lover’s heart leading  me straight into his arms.
Garden of Eden in my mind.
Hear the song of passion playing
Calling me in my sleep to hear
I’ll meet you there  in lover’s garden.
Be my Adam I’ll be your Eve.

Shell ✨🐚
Romantic feelings
91 · Feb 2022
Moments in movements
Movements, unseen
Moments in time
Wings of the butterfly
Fluttters become still life,
a picture in the making.
Nature paintings
Coming to life
You see golden eagle flying high taking a dive in search of a prey.
Porcelain snow mountains,
strong but fragile,now melting. Avalanche danger.
Wild flowers dancing in the wind. Just growing wild .
Happy picture they paint
Popcorns in the sky
from white to grey
to thunder storms
Green branches of big old trees. Slowly moving with the wind. Losing their colors with sour rains.
Looking at nature
I wonder
Everything is moving....yet still.
A moment in time captured.
Where is our appreciation
Where is our love.
Moments in nature
Meant to be
everlasting in time.
Soon all will be gone.

Shell ✨🐚
Nature, always moving, moments in time.
90 · Jun 2023
Many need a listening ear.
Someone who will be there.
So many people lost their way.
Totally thrown off their old ways.
Can’t find their place, lost all control.
Who is there to hug you or just  hold you these days.
So many unspoken words
So many feelings hidden away
Buried inside, too painful to say.
Left alone all by their selfs.
Days go by without speaking a word.
Unspoken stories locked up inside.
Lockdown means to be locked up in your mind.
All we can do is to look out for one another.
Show that we are here.
That we care.

Shell ✨🐚
Thinking of those in war, those who lost everything after nature disasters.
Those who feel helpless and alone.
90 · Feb 2022
And the wind called my name
Hear the whispers from the trees
They too are talking,
calling me.
My lover is searching
Have to  let him know
I’m still here
still waiting

And the moon looked down
Saw me waiting
Saw him searching
Tell me moon
Where is he?

Shell ✨🐚
Valentine 🌹
Waiting for the loved one.
90 · Mar 2022
Holi day is here
Let’s spread colour everywhere
To make this , sometimes, black and white world
more colour full and free
To bring light in the dark
To bring joy, happiness
and peace everywhere.
Everywhere on Earth.

Shubh Holi.

Shell ✨🐚
Shubh Holi to all.
90 · Feb 2022
Light a candle
Eyes like a dead fish
A frozen smile
Throw a bomb or two
At innocent ones
Children, women
Let them flee there homes
Let them cry , have deep sadness in their hearts
All for  power and what comes along with it.
But you forget
We all end up the same.
A dead body wherever.
But then again deep inside
you are already there.
Alive with lifeless eyes.
Frozen heart.

Let’s all have a beating heart
Light a candle and pray.
For those in pain.
For this to stop.

Shell ✨🐚
Stop this war please
To heaven you rise
falling in love
all  gravity gone.
Uplifting cloud,  
you are in love
Will gravity pull you
back to the ground.
Will Butterflies stay
or will they be gone.
Will falling in love
be true love.
Will you stay in heaven

Sometimes you fall in love deeper and deeper.
89 · Sep 2022
Quote 125🌷
To experience comfort
one must
experience  sadness first.
To become wholesome
one has
to be broken first.

Shell ✨🐚
89 · Sep 2021
Be yourself
You’re good enough
Don’t hide anymore
Let the world see
The authentic you
More beautiful
Hidden like a gem
Sparkle and shine

Be proud of who you are.
88 · Sep 2021
Green lives matter
Sow a seed , plant  a tree
Take good care
Watch the plant every day
See  it grows
Wait with anticipation
for the next chapter
Blooming time is here
Very exciting experience
Repeating over and over again
See the beautiful flowers that emerge
Bringing life into your garden
Bees, butterflies and birds appear
Suddenly it’s a busy life
outside your window
Sit and take it in
Imagine when all of us
Would plant some flowers
How satisfying it would be
When each of us
would plant one tree
How green the world would be
A gain for all of us
and Mother Earth
So let’s make this life and earth
Happy , healthy and whole
While there is still time .

Green lives matter
88 · Dec 2021
Haiku- dew drops
pearl dew at sunrise
freshness of a misty day
pureness of this nature.

88 · Nov 2022
Lavender beach sunset
A thousand different sunsets
Not two of them the same.
Lamp of Aladdin like sun this time ,
like a miracle you appear on lavender canvas
fuming all kinds of pomegranate like colors,
to color the sky in a warm way .
Changing to orange to yellow
when reaching top of the sky,
painting this incredible sunset
caressing the eyes .
You can see the fume coming out
mixing fuchsia nuances as sun sets
lower to rest.
Lavender colored breeze
finding its way over the ocean
creating fine ripple wave kisses
for shore to embrace .

Shell ✨🐚
88 · Apr 2021
Looking how the raindrops
are slowly sliding on the window.
As sad feeling finds it way .
People are struggling to survive
so many  problems stressing all the way.
Yes life isn’t easy for so many
Can others imagine what it’s like?
To live from day to day.
Not knowing what tomorrow
will be like.
everything gray every day?
No life is not easy nowadays.

Corona something to live with.
Every day struggles.
88 · Dec 2021
That special time
Then comes that time
Devine season ,
Extra fragrance in the house
Roasted chicken , cinnamon
taking extra time for one another
to show that  we are thankful
For the passing year✨✨
Where people come together
And take special care

Take special time for others
Showing that they’re seen
Buying little presents
To express  the love we share.

O beautiful and lovely season We’ve waited one year long.
To stare at all that beauty
And listen to Your songs
But most of all to give that extra touch to all the people
Who mean the world to us

Let’s pray and be thankful
As we should do every day
for everything You’ve given
day by day
It’s surely worth waiting
For You to return each year
Know that we are grateful
Each and every year
In this world where we’re living
We should treat all people
like it’s Christmas all the time .

Shell ✨🐚
Christmas vibes
88 · Feb 2022
Genius..... it seems
Sometimes the heartache is so severe,
The mind so disturbed
You have to run away
From all that is dear.
You have to disappear
hide,  out of despair.
You’ll have to go the  opposite way
Do a thing you never thought one day
Like a  new thing ,
a new religion,
a new begin.
To ease the pain
To get lost  to find a new gain.
Even start a whole new life.  
You start to write
To show the world  you survived.
Not wanting them to know how shattered and lost you really are.
Deep inside you are just the same
feeling hurt ,feeling low in this  game called life.
where you played all the wrong cards.
You keep anger, hatred deep within.
So you keep on hurting
Destroying everything happy that comes your way.

Now old,  nothing more to prove nothing more to show.
But an empty title....
Hidden  things  deep inside never change.
You take it to the grave.
No matter how genius a game you think you played.

Unlucky the ones who crossed your ways
Very sad you are
for never understanding this life despite the title that is your life.

Life is more then money, possessions or a title.
It’s about being soft at heart
Kind to each other and lifting on another up not putting each other
Love, don’t hate.

Shell ✨🐚
88 · Jun 2023
Quote 158🌷
With all the money of the world
The day has just so many hours left.
life too.

Shell ✨🐚
88 · May 2021
One moment
Live in the moment.
A moment is all it takes
to change everything forever.
Nothing more the same.
Take nothing for granted
Always be grateful
Always say thank you.

Shell ✨🐚
Appreciate every moment.
87 · Oct 2021
Lost love💔
Precious was the touch
Deep but fragile
Memories, light
filled with darkness
Love we once had
Forever lost.
Longing remains
For what once was.

Shell ✨🐚
87 · May 2021
When twilight sets in
Can’t wait to begin
To prepare
Butterflies within
Meet  you after sunset
Near the silver water lake
With the moon in full display
Under the shiny big old tree
Just you and me
with the  sounds of nature
Cool light breeze caressing me
You take me in your arms so tender.
I close my eyes.
Two hearts pounding.
I surrender!

Intimate Rendez-vous
87 · Mar 9
Just one life.
While flowers bloom till their colors fade away
Trees grow taller everyday
Every new day a beginning or an end.
Every day a choice you make.

We all live from day to day.
Knowing there will come that time
That we will die.
Still we’re living our life not in the best way.
When hearing a diagnosis of a terminal disease
knowing and seeing , experiencing
near end,
from yourself or a loved one,
you see people change and living life suddenly another way.
When being confronted with death our second life starts
and the first one is over.
You now learn to live with grief.
Priorities change.
To live life is to not forget that it ends.
Living with the right priorities.
Knowing it can be over any given moment.
In life many things just happen to you.
Things come your way, things you can’t control.
So, try
to do the right thing, concerning what you can control, choose your ways in life  wisely.
Love and respect yourself, know your worth.
Live with faith, love and kindness inside.
Be there for your fellow man.
When your time of grief starts that’s what will carry you through.

Shell ✨🐚
Let’s all try to  do the right thing.
87 · Dec 2023
Quote 178🌷
like the taste of wine.
It comes with the years.
Listen to the elderly.

Shell ✨🐚
Somethings you just can’t learn from a book.
86 · Dec 2021
Do we all have an angel?
We all need angels in our life
Unseen but there
To watch and protect
Take care
Especially those who are helpless
Like children....
But animals too.

Sweet little child
Sweet you are
In the middle of
never land
No one around
Let me stay with you
and take care

Still so many children
Afraid with no home
It’s we the people
To do good and take care
Don’t you see
The angel is somewhere
Inside you.

Be good to another ,make a difference in someone’s life . Be someone’s angel,
86 · Dec 2023
True love, forever young.
Treasured dreams.
Disappearing behind fog of life.
Blurred vision
trying to see through curtain
of falling night.
Mystery promise made
Anticipation growing
Flourishing awaits

In lover’s close embrace
Dark of night turns in
light of day and
flowers smile.
Dreams came true last night.
Counting hours passing by
Anticipation for once again
a passionate night’s delight.

Time passes while
love stays young forever.

Shell ✨🐚
True love grows but doesn’t get old.
We grow old and our love ripens  but stays young forever.
86 · Nov 2022
Lost world
Sitting alone in the dark
In this time of light and care
Only thing that sparkles here
are those silent falling tears
For whatever reason
So much sadness deep inside
While we celebrate
Think of them when you pray.

Shell ✨🐚
Many are very sad around this time of the year. First time without someone
People of the war
People who lost everything in flood and fire
Children without a home and loving parents.
86 · Dec 2021
Wise men, bleeding world
What have we done to this Earth
Crying people
Dying animals
Yellow trees
Bleeding world
Fires and floods the norm
The end of all living things is near
Flowers hang their head in pain
Sea life exhausted
Only waste no light
Only money nothing to gain
When will wise men
be wise
and follow the star
“Common sense “
To save this world and
allow peace on Earth.

Shell ✨🐚
86 · Jun 2021
Killing time
As the frog sits quietly
On the edge of the pond
Wanted to sing a song
Waiting patiently for his love
to come along
While catching mosquitoes.

We don’t differ that much.
Doing something while waiting for the one.
85 · Apr 2021
Quote 26🌷
Life, love, faith
Always breathing.
Never give up on one of them.

85 · May 22
Quote 187🌷
You are hidden there
in your cocoon
but I promise you
Once you find the courage
to come out
You’ll be the most exotic butterfly.

Once the unknown is known life will be beautiful .

Shell ✨🐚
Live your life , don’t be afraid of the unknown.,
85 · Jun 2021
Night call
Will I get some sleep tonight
While there is such a
tempting night oudside.
Looking through my bedroom window
Inviting sky
moon  disguise and lots of stars
giving me this restless feeling
to flee into the night
meet  the love I never found
Hear the wind passing by
trees are gently moving
leaves rustle softly
while an owl is calling  
creating this soothing melody
Holding a long lost promise
A nightsong  calling out for me
to put at rest
all the restlessness in me
dejavu feelings as in my dreams
I dream forever.

Shell ✨🐚
85 · May 2021
Quote 31🌷
We are like
little planets from above
In the dark
Circling around one
flaming center
called love.

Shell ✨🐚
85 · Jun 2021
Simple things
I don’t need diamonds
I don’t need wealth
Just pick me a flower
for me to smell
Show me the moon
to caress my eyes
Play me a song
to sing in my heart
Give me your love
to elevate my soul
Then I’ll be happy
wherever we go.

Shell ✨🐚
A simple life filled with love and gratitude  gives you peace of mind.
85 · Nov 2021
Winter time❄️
Short winter day
bold and cold
Immaculate white snow
Longs for yellow sunbeams
Soft pale sun in light grey sky
Snuggling, cozy long nights
Drinking cacao by the fire.

85 · May 2021
For the sake of peace
White dove sitting still
Looking up above
No use flying now
Danger in the air.

Child sitting in the basement
No use playing now
Danger everywhere

Mothers sitting numb
To God above
Asking for mercy
Going nowhere

Men running outside
Holding guns
Throwing bombs
For peace.

To fight war with another war to achieve peace! Sad!!
85 · Jun 2021
Quote 54🌷
A moment in the dark
is  an opportunity given
to ponder
to come to greater hights

85 · Apr 2021
Taste of heaven- Haiku
Take me waves of sea
To the horizon to be
Where heaven meets earth

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