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Dark lover Mar 2020
By the pleasure of the flesh and
By the the discharge of a dispersed fluid, a leech-like cloth was formed.
He was conceived in warmth void, delivered into a space betwixt paradise and hell in a night of oblivion, then baptised with all impurities of hell and paradise.
Impurities infringed from all baptism, the dominant one will determine the direction of his life...
Dark lover Mar 2020
IF THIS IS NOT LOVE, nothing else can be love..
Emotions beyond words!
Beauty beyond perception and appearance!
A luster she is, from a different dimension entire..
She is like the waters never fights but conquereth all,
Takes the form, shape of every container yet never loses her state..
Effect so strong from a distance, quite imponderable.
Orator looses his sense of speech when in contact,  audio or visual.
An entire topic of discussion conceived, changed at sight..
Mere thought of thee transforms a state completely.
Ignites all plans with just a little flu of hope from thee.
Do everything for the sake of thee even at the absence of thee..
For thy sake the world is not enough, ready to attain the other,  at least that might satisfy and assuage his inflamed desires.
Even this scribbling is not enough,  forgive and accept the token of a scribbling , cause he found no better way yet..  Still rummaging through the earth and heavens for the perfect replacement of inscriptions..
If this is not love,
Role modelling! That's an awesome understatement, thou affected his entire being, physically and spiritually.. What else can be love..
The melody of her voice sublime and caresses his entire soul..
Like the rhythm from a fine melodious masterpiece blues, she rejuvenates his positive emotions.
Blessed is thee,  thy has reconditioned all his misappropriatedly conditioned neuron associations..
Inscriptions are not worthy enough to express this feelings.
Dark lover Feb 2020
Oh what a man among men.
What a creature among creatures.
Like a tree He remains never changing from his good ways
Even when stones where thrown at him by the very ones that enjoys It's fruit, still, it remain, even when piled from all part of him for their own purpose still he remain. Though,  the tree had no choice but this man had a choice yet stoic he was
During the day and night he stood still..
Comes rain comes sunshine he was never changing, brought fought fruits and other endowment not for his own benefit but for those around.  he was friend to all and enemy to none he was, aware of every phenomenon and occurrence around him yet never said a word of it, just allow it to pass,
Even axed down or cut down by the very once it shades from the scorching sun rays and from the rain drops and while thought they that never will he rise again, he sprung up again with the love of all, never concerned by the past records, he lived a life of absolute serenity, he never complains about anything to anyone external from his being, but the wisest of gazers will understand the complaints from the strand it form on his branches, blissful his he for even the universe appraises its good deeds, during the wind  that carries away the roof of others blow, it stood still to protect it's very own..
He his my dad
Dark lover Feb 2020
Stay alive..
Stay alive is what, I was designed to do,  until eventually exhaust the very life I'm meant to keep alive..
Maybe I might require some stimulants to keep me out of this slumber, anytime the system  grows weak and weary falling into a slumbering state, hoping it's not the slumber of eternal, have a long way to go on a track so short and narrow and a system so weak, undoubtedly unable to withstand the pressure of "against the current flow"
"Against the current flow"why go on against some thing that never gets weary and never takes a time out...
Blessed are those who seek to create
Dark lover Feb 2020
He wants to be like the wind
the breeze ever present, yet not all ways felt ever blowing, ever so soft and translucent, it voiceless  rhythms with such a fine melody that it makes even the mighty oak tree dance to its tunes, ever so underrated yet more precious than all the finest lucre known to all, it's a void, vortices of ether,ever so empty yet none can exist without its  presence..
Though never seen, it stirs up and agitates the most calmest of seas to a magnitude unclassified..
The memories of the wind..
Dark lover Feb 2020
The who I have become ..

Sometimes it's quite forlorn to be extensive with words in ur head, never can one be able to utter them, I feel so frustrated, I guess I will just have to train myself to be outspoken, no matter how well I train myself to be outspoken, can never be enough.
Can't tell how got here, but he is loving it..
But avoid loving it just a little too much, else you get lost in what's never really yours.

There are words I don't think I can utter at the moment, the who I have become.. But that's fine..

One who foster too many words but hardly say a word.. But that's lovely..
One who spent hours with himself searching for knowledge, stealing a glance at the sunset, half blurry half full moon.
Lost in admiration ere interrupted by a shooting star..
One consciously or unconsciously programmed to be congruent with societal or cultural influence..
One whose formed series of programmed strands which governs it's existence without being the programmer...
One whose mistakes uncountable yet still much to make, learnt so much yet learnt nothing..
One formed from nothingness into somethingness of impulses and desires, never ending desires that leads to absolute emptiness...
Like one left in lurch in the middle of a spacious dry desert, dehydrated, so weary of taste.
Continuous increase in weariness of taste by the passing seconds.
Continuous search for an oasis to quench his hankering, yet only find mirages which only increases his taste.. Buts that's still fine..
Open books all day and night in a constant note..
All with the one message harmonize yourself with the oneness of God..
Yet so many dogmas and misconceptionists spreading mischief for their selfish gains..
The who he became..
Dark lover Feb 2020
IF THIS IS NOT LOVE, nothing else can be love..
If this is not love, love,  existence is falsified.
Emotions beyond words!
Beauty beyond perception and appearance!
Effect so strong from a distance, quite imponderable.
Orator looses his sense of speech when in contact,  audio or visual.
An entire topic of discussion conceived, changed at sight..
Mere thought of thee transforms a state completely.
Ignites all plans with just a little flu of hope from thee.
Do everything for the sake of thee even at the absent of thee.
For thee sake the world is not enough, ready to steal the afterworld,  at least that might satisfy and assuage his inflamed desires.
Spend hours composing messages and notes just for she sake.
Influences all act of me without impact..
Even this scribbling is not enough,  forgive and accept the token of a scribe, cause he found no better way yet..
Spend hours composing messages and notes just for she sake.
Influences all act of me without impact..
  Still rummaging through the earth and heavens for the perfect replacement of inscription..
If this is not love
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