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Hunter Taylor Feb 2019
I don't dream but I'm dreaming
My throat bleeds but I'm screaming
There's nothing I can do, is there?

I love you like you so often haunt me
Without relent and with such an intensity
It's not my fault anymore, is it?

I wonder if I still cross your mind
I hope you know you still stay on mine
That doesn't matter now, does it?

As time moves on, I steady learn
My heart grows heavy as my mind yearns
You're so ******* far away, aren't you?

Goodbye past love, I can't hold on
I wanted it to work out for so ******* long
I fell and it's not dark in here anymore.
  Feb 2019 Hunter Taylor
When I got my GCSEs
They said I was lucky
When I got into uni
They said I was lucky
When the doctors got to me just in time
They said I was lucky
When I met you
I knew it was luck
And now
I’m running out of luck
And you’re leaving me
I wonder what they’ll say now
Hunter Taylor Feb 2019
Missing you is so easy
When I had you I didn't really
You can't capture the wind in a bottle
And expect it to fill your sails

I wish that that was true
I still miss the smell of freedom
The soft hole in my heart that wasn't there
Grows every time I feel the breeze

Usually, the nights are cold
I use these cigarettes to stay warm
But you loved the smell of cigarette smoke
I didn't smoke them until you left

My hands shake sometimes
I feel you running away so fast
But it's not like this is something brand new
You do this every once in a while

You're made from steel rain
The kind that breaks apart glass
I tried to love a hurricane for a very long time
But she couldn't stay forever
  Feb 2019 Hunter Taylor
Madisen Kuhn
i wanted you to love me on purpose.
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