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Kimberly S
Elizabethtown    Aspiring happiness & inspiration in this hazy world. © Copyright 2015
Tamera Pierce
19/F/West Virginia    I am nineteen years old and going to school to be an English Teacher and I enjoy writing about my angsty experiences. It is nice …
BCD, PH-YYZ, CA    "I write from my soul. This is the reason that critics don't hurt me, because it is me. If it was not me, if I …
David Alexander Walker
British Columbia    My dear, dear hp friends, I have not been and will not be very often online for quite a while. My family has lost an …
am i ee
form is emptiness emptiness is form ~ The Heart Sutra Ga-te, ga-te, para-ga-te, para-samga-te, Bodhi svaha! Gone, gone, completely gone, utterly gone, behold Wisdom!
Monica Lara
Iowa    She said that she always wanted to be a poet, but I can tell deep down all she really wanted was to be somebody's poem.
Randolph Llewellyn Wilson
Chattahoochee Hills , Ga.    Copyright - 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2020 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
Secret...    I have nothing to say but everything I write is what I feel. I use poetry to express myself much like a lot of you. …
Marci Ace
F/Jacksonville,FL    I Am what the blind man dream of; Darkness can't scheme of; I love to write; I'm a poet not a rapper.
V 17 Until next time
Leonna8986 Irish
Hongkong    I am a simple girl from the mountainous province of Bukidnon in philippines. I just discovered recently I have the passion to write poems.. and …
Haley Alexander
Kansas    Hi Im Haley ! Im 17 yEARS Old and i write everything I can ! I write poetry mostly for my own benefit but I …
mickey finn
30/M/liverpool, uk    golden
Grace Turner
In my bubble    Your words are bleeding into the water, draining your veins and making you sleep forever.
Sara Leal
25/F/Portugal    A lost girl who is trying to die in the right way, writing.
its gonna make sense
26/Two-Spirit/Philippines    doesn't make any sense/ trying hard to be a poet/ in between- madness and sanity, reality and fantasy. /Twitter, IG & Wattpad : @IGMSOfficial/ Tiktok …
Benoni    I'm Sorry Marcelo. But Your Emotions Were Never Meant For This Movie. Never Mind This Scene.
Day Wing
Philippines    "Don't find peace, find passion" -something I live by :) an excerpt from the Mara Dyer Trilogy A writing enthusiast, chemistry geek, table tennis player, …
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