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 Mar 2014 Rodney Mcfarlane
late night poetry is never something good
it is either about a boy
something you never got over

being in love hurts yes

but hurt late at night shouldn't be so misunderstood

Hurt shouldn't be the constant nagging question why I care so much for people who destroy me

including my father's alcohol problem
and the constant nag to meet up to my mothers expectations

I shouldn't have to question myself as to why i feel so much
and try so hard
to make sure everyone is happy around me

Even if in the end they're the reason tears won't stop rushing down my dry winter cheeks
and why by body shakes in tremors from the emotions i keep pent within me

I wish I could shut them all off for good
not just for my friends, family, lovers, etc.

Being alone is the worst
at that time I would rather have no emotions at all
I wonder how you are..
If I tried to talk to you
would you respond?
Glare at me with those
perfectly frigid eyes?
I'm told to give you time..
You're "probably still upset".
I'm sorry for being
the cause.
© M.S.
 Mar 2014 Rodney Mcfarlane
Marry me
Marry me right now
Take me and keep me
In holy matrimony
Forever and always
That's all I ask
You're all I'll ever need
Forgive yourself
Perfect was never a word suited for you
Love yourself
Everything comes back to this
Love your sister
She has been picked apart, degraded, and has an internal war eating her from the inside out
Love your brother
He has a time stamp of deliverance to a life of incarceration, bullets released from an absence of sense, lack of educated, blind ambitious followers.
Raise your head
You are a Goddess created
with disarming beauty in mind.
Continue to place one foot in front of the other
You are meant and strongly designed for forward movement.
Take no steps back, do not bow down your head, do not close your mouth
In fear that judgment will fall
It will, but you must speak anyways.
Your voice is imperative
to the growth of lost girls who are unsure what real women are made of.
Your voice is imperative to the peaking of the minds of men unsure what to look for in a Queen, show him.
Your voice is imperative to the readjustment of the image of
Black Women with large voices
Black Women with high diction
Black Women with love language
Black Women with literary genius
Black Women filled with nothing less than the peace & love God has manifested within us.
Black Women
Black Women
Black Women
Who love Black men like double chocolate moist bliss
Who love White men like dark roast coffee filled with cream
Who love Latino men like Butterscotch candy dipped in chocolate
The list goes on
Black Women who love like we are bound to implode if we don't give the universe what it is that we need back.
Black Women
Your Mother
Black Women
Your Sister
Black Women
Your Friend
Black Women
Your Lover
Black Woman
Love Her.
 Mar 2014 Rodney Mcfarlane
Just like a song
You're musical

Just like a song
You're rhythmic

Just like a song
You're hypnotic

Just like a song
You're lyrical

Just like a song
You're in my head

Just like a song
You're catchy

Just like a song
You're on repeat

Just like a song
You're inspirational

Just like a song
You're my favorite
 Mar 2014 Rodney Mcfarlane
I've written of you
So many times
You've become immortal
In between these lines
What a move,
Act like a friend,
Wanting to see
What my body can do,
In a private display,
Only you can obtain,
With the exception of him,
You knew of in vain.
Now you foolishly claim
Your intentions are true
While I'm in your room,
I knew not to do.
Attraction both ways,
In our case at least,
With a demeanor so smooth,
With a face you can't beat.
Alas, I'm no fool,
In entirety,
My current union
Going back to antiquity.
I'll settle for no less
Than what I deserve
Which isn't pretentiousness
On a plate of interest, well served.
When cuties attack.
Your crazy haloed spectrum smile
Curves lazy slow sweet amid early morning
I tag along, you step inside
The braided lengths of our hungry fingers
Time slows
My sighs stream softly into wishes
Neon tinted bubbles capturing swirl wind
I focus on their ascent to star dust
Right where I want to be
Dearest Mr. Blue
You're far away now, Love, but
My heart waits for you.
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