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Q Dec 2016
And I intensely feel that I cannot keep you happy
Nor entertained, nor inquisitive, nor enthralled
I truly believe my personality will end us
But these things reside in my head behind the tallest of walls.

I worry you will leave me when you grow bored of this
Perhaps that speaks more on my perception of you
Perhaps that speaks more on who I am that who you are
Perhaps that speaks more on understanding there's something amiss.

I don't know where I want to go with you
Partially because I want to go everywhere with you and fully intend to
Partially because I see no paths to anywhere
Aside from dead dark roads that no one goes down anymore

I wonder if you'll hate me in the future
I dislike this and being vulnerable because that thought leaves me shaken
I wonder if I'll find that I really am too much for even the one I was just right for
I wonder if I'll end up wishing you well, alone.

I hate these thoughts that I can't make rhyme
That I wrench from the recesses of my mind
That I wrestle onto paper and ruthlessly bare
That I try to convince myself aren't actually there
I hate them.
Q Nov 2016
I implore you.

I will pick you apart into pieces so small they run past my fingers like spider silk but I will not make you speak.

I implore you.

I have stories and tales and thoughts and wonder balanced precariously on the tip of my tongue and if you were to merely speak...

I implore you.

I reach out with hands slathered in the most adhesive of glues and pray you won't notice how I bind myself to you but I hesitate because you will not speak.

I implore you.

I implore you.

Q Nov 2016
"Smile," she says. She knows me well.
I pick up the heavy corners of my mouth and,
Hammer and nails in hand, I attach them high on my cheeks.
She nods and smiles and takes my hand.

"You are happy?" she asks but there was no question.
I nod anyway, despite the fact that she knows, she knows me well.
I believe it because she said it and I won't question it and that's good.
Or perhaps it's bad, I still can't tell.

"Look at her," she murmurs and I've never heard that much scorn;
Her face twists into a disgusted caricature more bitter than bile.
She pats my hand absentmindedly and I do not copy her expression
But instead take her gentle reminder to smile.

"Not them. Not that," she tells me so surely and so I look away
She knows me so well, knows what I want and need
So well that I don't need to know myself. So well that I can't begin to.
She sees my doubt, reaches into the soil, and snatches up the seeds.

"Careful, be careful!" she implores me and I remember to be afraid.
She cares for me more than most, more than myself,
If anything were to happen to me, she'd be lost, she'd waste away.
I make sure to panic and underestimate my health.

"Don't speak." she says quickly, before I can make a request;
She wraps me up  in blankets of misplaced pride.
I bite my tongue and practice the art of restraint so as not to shame her.
When I feel the want, I avert my eyes.

"Did you forget?" she whispers and I am shaken and unsure.
I search my memories but I cannot recall whatever I'd forgotten.
She giggles but she is not happy and I scold myself harshly with a smile.
She does not stop me so I continue without end.

"Come back. Stay." she bids me and I truly want to;
She is everything I have ever known and she knows me so well.
There will be days where I will return to the warm circle of her arms.
Whether that's good or bad, I still can't tell.
Q Nov 2016
I am dying.
As most are, I am unprepared.
I feel death tingle down my arms
And rob my struggling lungs of air.

I feel it settle over my mind like a haze
Of drowsy, unfocused wooziness.
I am terrified of it, I am scared
I can feel the cold grasp of death.


She hands me a bottle that clicks with magic
She tells me it's not much and I believe that.
She hands me a bottle after she checks me over.
I take the bottle and remove myself from where I sat.


I remind myself that I am not dying.
I remind myself that I can breath, am breathing.
I remind myself that I am not tingling.
I lie to myself factually: I am not dying.


I don't believe her or myself
If I were to believe, would that make me crazy?
If I weren't to believe, would that make me crazy?
If I am cleared headed yet somehow feel hazy?

**** this lazy rhyme in off kilter four four time:
Am I crazy if I feel my lungs fight for air though I have no problem breathing?
What if I feel my body shutting down when I am more than healthy?
Am I crazy if I know it's the end but can't explain or even postulate why?
Am I crazy if I write so someone knows what happened when I die (whilst thinking I am alive I wont die but I am dying which is just the panic speaking but if it's not then I'll be gone  by tomorrow which wont happen. maybe.)?
Q Nov 2016
You'll find no loyalty to a country in me
A body of land is a body of land
And that is all it will ever be.

You'll find no tether to a grave with me
Mistakes were made for which must be paid
But before it's due, I will flee.

You'll find no tearful denials in my speech
The people have done what they thought they must
And that has never shocked me.

You'll find no willful positivity in me
The hand we've turned will be a lesson learned
Wether it be joy or misery.

You'll find little else but solidarity
My morals are my country
My strength is my mentality
My freedom, my nationality

You'll find little else but the strength to temper your mistakes
With stoic resignation I will watch
As this country breaks, it breaks.
Q Oct 2016
Endless, unyielding boredom
Stalls the words on my lips
Cuts the thoughts in my mind
Chases letters from my fingertips.

The color fades from my eyes
And life becomes bleak and grey
I hunger, cook, and eat
But it is bland, without taste.

My mind is barren in the spaces
Where ideas used to flow
The handle melts away from the door
And I've no other place to go.

The sun runs into the moon
The moon burrows into the sky
Hours become excruciating weeks
That sluggishly sprint on by.

Sentences become voices
Ever loud, relentlessly speaking
My eyes are my worst enemy
Never finding, always seeking.

Concise and simply stated
With boredoms' additions, I am less
I survive listlessly
Without purpose, without rest.
Q Sep 2016
I wonder, at times, if you regret.
Perhaps you wish you hadn't woken up in time
To catch a swinging hammer as it whistled through the air
And subsequently saved my life.

Do you wish you'd told him one time less
Not to **** me as you walked away, swaddled in blankets?
From that filthy scene, from his hands wrapped around my neck
From my strangled gasps as I fought to breathe.

Do you regret defying your doctor's warning?
He'd told you, your first pregnancy was a miracle, be satisfied
Do you wish you'd simply nodded and taken that to heart
Went home with your first baby and followed his advice?

Do you ever believe his words: there's something in me that must be beaten out?
You kept me from death despite all my tries, the whole while telling me to go
You firmly believed I should live, if only to assuage your guilt
Do you wish, just once, you'd told me "yes" instead of "no"

Do you wish you'd let me go?

I do.

I am happy in life and with the people I know
But I am not happy with you
I wouldn't go back for the world, wouldn't change a thing
But I'd never begrudge it of you.

If you went back, would you erase me, the stain on what could've been family?
Would you rip me from your perfect life and beg forgiveness for being cruel?
Or would you decide to, once again, not be my savior or mother?
With all due respect, if you would, you're a fool.
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