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 Jun 2022 Puds
Carlo C Gomez
A mix of
And Venus in furs

A minor astronomical event
Between luminous beings

Timean sparkles
Fast atoms escape

And in their wake
Baby satellites to bear

 May 2022 Puds
Francie Lynch
The papers are wet with ink.
Russia is losing it's war.
North Korea is swamped with the Covid.
Tucker is backpedaling his replacement theory.
Finland and Sweden are enrolling.
Armament shipments are making a difference.
The Pope is apologizing.
That needs repeating: The Pope is apologizing.
(But why stop with the Aboriginals. Consider the Jews and Irish).
Fossil fuels are on the decline.
(plastic microchips are in our fat)
I can still buy Roundup.
Tobacco is banned in most public places here.
*** is not.
There are more drunks, and more behind bars, and in front.
We have safe injection sites.
I have robots asking me if I'm a robot.
There are more tv stations selections.
TV is not worth watching.
LPs are making a comeback.
Right to Life is Wrong for Many.
... and on... and on
कुछ रचनाएं  पढ़ने से
कुछ दूसरी देखने से
तो कुछ बताने से
समझ में आती हैं
असल रचना वह  है
जो स्वयं बोल बताती है।
 Apr 2022 Puds
Elizabeth Squires
a magenta hue
showed in this morning's sky
as first light dawned
 Apr 2022 Puds
Edmund black
Sweet words mean nothing
Unless the eyes speak them too
It’s all in the eyes
 Apr 2022 Puds
Jay Dee
Everyone is missing something..a key, a sock, plastic ware..
Missing someone
Or they way someone used to stare
Unbearable it is mostly
But sometimes its not as hard
I guess that means that soon it wont be hard at all
Or it means I allowed us to fall
Either way I long for the day that I dont miss you at all
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