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  Dec 2018 Puds
The rain finally comes
The spring rises up to greet the sun
On the long river highway,
The road is long
Past the brook
Past the stream
Along the river
Beyond the lake
Past the lagoon
The wetlands too
The highway a ribbon unfolds
Out to the ocean the road goes
With the promise of deepest
  Dec 2018 Puds
A rippling effect
has the ocean
grace us, love
never left us
as time
stumble into
a halt
bad memories
into a
simply forgotten,
we changed
for the
A prompt of a pic. I took, see my instagram.
  Dec 2018 Puds
She was never young, that was her problem
Always direct
That wasn’t a problem
Why bother informing
You should know
What should I know
Ambition comes before brat
Dead before life started
So strange
He started taking life
Years of taking life
Years of hate
Years of nothing
Unexpected encounter
Ambition achieved
Both hardened
She can’t have children now
Not now
It was like they both killed
Killed everything worth living
Both pragmatic as they said goodbye
To life maybe chosen
Every book ends
Not always to  sequel
She lived her work
He just lived
Life twisting as life does.
Until the book is finally closed.
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