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 Sep 2020 Prachi
Raven Blue
Life is not always rosy;
You have to walk on a flowery path,
Full of yellow carnations and black roses;
To see the beauty of dandelions and daisies.
I don't need little emoticons  I need sunshine in my face
I don't need face book likes I need you over by my place

I don't need messenger chat  I need a friend  with skin on
I don't need cel beebs nor empty stares that say  I'm gone

I don't want technology to rule my day its plastic anyway  
I don't want an email to say  "I'm having a baby any day"  

but I do want to write great poetry on a sunny beach and say,
this has been a great day, I haven't googled away, my day.
 Sep 2020 Prachi
Megan H
 Sep 2020 Prachi
Megan H
Her dreams-
Were too loud
And when she was told to be quiet,
She listened.
Now she just sits in silence.

— The End —