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I stand up and feel myself grow
so I just sit there and wait for it to
But as I sit there, I feel
My ability to comprehend and think
I sit, accepting what will happen,
So sometimes I get head rushes, and they usually make me faint. It can be really scary, because I either faint or just lose consciousness, which I say are two different things because when i "lose consciousness," I move and do something without thinking about it, and without being able to see anything, then I wake up and don't remember what I was doing.
 Jun 2015 Crimson
I walk by the bridge of our memories
looking back at every moment
every disappointment
every pain
with my heavy heart and heaving sobs
dragging a leaking canister of gas along the way

Standing still on the other side
convincing myself I can do it
it's for the best
I have no choice

With trembling hands
a match is lit
thrown back as I walk away
step by step

Never looking back
As the world explodes behind me
burning everything down
to the ground

This is me taking back control of my emotions
This is me taking back control of my heart
This is me taking back control of my life
 Jun 2015 Crimson
 Jun 2015 Crimson
She doesn't know
But I think I love her
And I think that I want her
To be mine
She doesn't know
But talking to her
Makes me smile like
I've just won the lottery
She doesn't know
But even writing this
I get a pang in my stomach
From a storm of butterflies
She doesn't know
But no one compares to her
She doesn't know
But everyone else does
 Jun 2015 Crimson
 Jun 2015 Crimson
I once wanted to end it all
Tired of getting back up after every fall
I waited for the pain to just subside
But everyday it entered my mind

While my parents were fighting
I was running out of time
Told myself to just hold on
That I could do it
Just hold on

It slipped out to my best friend
In the 6th grade everything changed
A 6th grader dealing with suicide
I told her I wanted it all to end
That it just wasn't worth it anymore

When my parents found out we had a talk
They told me things would be different
That they would be different

I remember the promises they made
A week later those promises never existed
But my pain remained

I once tried to end it all
Sometimes I look back and wonder if I made the right choice
And when I fall
I'm afraid I wont get back up
I'm afraid that I'm not strong enough
Those thoughts always enter my mind
 Jun 2015 Crimson
Nathan Sun
The first time I kissed a girl
Was 6th grade
I was nervous
Palms drenched in sweat
It was possibly the most awkward moment of my 12 year old life

There was other kisses
But it wasn't until about a week into freshmen year
I truly kissed a girl
We sat face to face
Our eyes locked
Slowly my eyes ran down her face and to her lips

Out of the blue I introduced my lips to hers
It was then that I realized that there's a difference between a kiss, and touching your lips to someone else's
I now knew what it felt like to be in sync with someone

It made me realize that the best things in life aren't ever planned

"What the **** just happened"
"I don't know, but I think it needs to happen again"
a poem about my true first kiss
 Jun 2015 Crimson
Logan Smith
 Jun 2015 Crimson
Logan Smith
We all had a favorite pair of jeans in the 6th grade,
They fit just right,
Like they were made just for us.
Eventually we outgrew them.

You were my favorite pair of jeans.
In the 6th grade our hearts fit perfectly together,
In the 7th the fit got a little snug,
But we convinced ourselves that it was still the same.
Now we're four years older.
Our perfect fit is long outgrown.

Cleaning out my closet,
I look at those jeans.
They are 3 sizes too small,
With rips and tears
That we tried so desperately to patch up,
For fear of letting this go.

There are stains from mascara tears,
And words written in sharpie
That can never be erased.
Trust me,
I tried.

With a heavy heart,
I put my hand into the pockets
And find memories of our past.
I'll keep them in a box close to my heart,
But it's time to throw the jeans away.
 May 2015 Crimson
 May 2015 Crimson
Cupcakes and jello,
Sun drops of yellow,
A year old prince smiles with glee,
Happiest times started off free.

One foot in and one foot out,
Each step weighted with doubt,
Wan smile for the camera snapping away,
Two years old today.

Messy hair and muddy feet,
Too much energy to take a seat,
Toothy three-year old smiles for Mummy's photo,
Looking as proud as winning the lotto.

Marvel comics and new-found heroes,
Fan-art drawn in multi-colored Biro's,
Cheeky grin to hang on the wall,
Four years old, 3 feet tall.

Backpacks and Elmers' glue,
Cafeteria food that's hard to chew,
Pose in school uniform, charcoal gray,
Five years old on this big day.

Ring pop marriages and rainbow smarties,
Confetti always being thrown at birthday parties,
Yours is no different, cup them in your hand,
Hold out six fingers and composedly stand.

Swimming lessons and soccer practice,
Coaches being overwhelmingly fractious,
Hugging the soccer ball to your chest,
Seven years old, smilin' your best.

TV marathons and video games,
Struggling to learn hockey players' names,
Staring intently at the wrestling match,
Eight years old, hoping to catch.

Game of tag and playground fights,
Pretending to be English knights,
Awkward personality you've yet to define,
No longer eight, now you're nine.

Reruns of Spongebob Squarepants, ******-Doo,
First time trying fried tofu,
New experiences 'cause now you're ten,
Eight years away from joining the men.

6th grade comes and 6th grade passes,
Schedule in hand trying not to be late for classes,
Remember your locker combination 1-20-7,
Sigh of relief that you're eleven.

Too thin, too slim-
Too fat, not "that"-
Hallways you seldom dwell,
Twelve, trapped in a living Hell.

Bitter, reserved, aggressive you turn,
Nagging from parents makes your stomach churn,
Yelling "I hate you," till your face burns red,
Thirteen is an age of words over-said.

In a rash decision, you stole a beer,
A crowd welcomes you with an electric cheer,
Only fourteen, your choices will sway,
With time, you'll rue this day.

Not young, not old,
"Be fun", "be bold",
Caught in the middle of the unforeseen,
Not quite fifty, still fifteen.

A year has passed and you're feeling tired,
Can't bear to tell your father you've been fired,
Sixteen has brought you misery and sorrow,
Dreading the fruits of tomorrow.

Nothing is "for fun" anymore,
All this working out is making you sore,
Your head gives in and you pass out cold,
Seventeen and you've already been sold

Eighteen candles in one big breath,
Closer and closer to inevitable death,
         You feel so old already,
                Want to take it steady...
But you can't.
Prompt: "Youth is wasted on the young."
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