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 Sep 2016 Phoenix
jane taylor
in the silence of the night
unable to return to sleep
i sat listening
as the stars taught me
unheard messages
delivered on a shimmering moonbeam
tho' i did not intellectually understand
i intuitively knew
what the starlight was saying
then sleep returned
and upon awakening
my intellect seems to have forgotten
the message
my heart now knows

 Sep 2016 Phoenix
Heliza Rose
I run from myself
Fast and breathless
I take a break often trying to recall what made me run
What me decide
To pick up my feet and take off
But I have nothing
 Sep 2016 Phoenix
Stranger Blue
Looks as though I've lost my friend.
Seems she broke while trying to bend.
Thought we'd find a way to blend.
Together we would endure that dreadful sin.
But your shattered heart would not mend.

Don't tell me goodbye... again.

Broken Silence...we should have kept,
all the reasons that you wept.
Slipped right by me while I slept.
Didn't hear you as you left.
Now my broken heart shall not mend.

If you tell me goodbye... again.

Life is hard and often unfair.
Doesn't mean that no one cares.
Put the pills down get some fresh air.
Pretend I'm there brushing your hair.

Try to love life ...again.
Don't leave me here friend.
This I wrote for a friend who was having a hard time in their life, eventually they left...
 Sep 2016 Phoenix
Allen Robinson
Thinking about my future
and what it holds
visions spun of grey hair
and growing old
Basking in the sunlight
with lazy days of travel
Before time stands still for good
as life begins to slowly unravel
Listening to the birds sing
not taking it for granted
Seeing the world in all its glory
I choose to live my own life
and write my own humble story.
 Sep 2016 Phoenix
Nikita Vyas
"She smiled beautifully,
Her lips trembling,
Her heart pounded,
Several thoughts blooming in,
Her moment of pride,
The achievement she yearns,
Stands before her,
Awaiting for her turn,
She takes a step,
Very slowly,
Oblivious to treacherous comments,
holding her prize high,
Her eyes glowing with joy,
The voices don't matter,
The comments don't affect anymore,
She proves to herself,
And that is all that matters!"
 Sep 2016 Phoenix
turned off the light
and let the darkness invade
then you came into my life
and the darkness went away
Just a little something I thought of
 Sep 2016 Phoenix
A B Perales
The distant surf
crashes against the old
Spanish wall.
Sounding like slow
volleys of gunfire
ricocheting off
the jagged cliffs

The sea side stillness
of the night is
disturbed by
my footsteps.
They crunch a
million grains
of sand with
every step
I take along
this jaded

At this hour
all of this is
closed,they put
hours and gates
whats free.

Wet feral cats
chase giant
wharf rats all
through the
between the
break walls
giant stones.

Across the Harbor
on the calm side.
Lights shine bright
from the
giant cranes
and the
deep green
Span dressed in
strands of

The lights
reflected off
the still water
and danced
along small wakes
left behind by
passing boats.

The fumes
of sweet
scented fuel
hides just
beneath the
smell of
salt water and
the rotting
bait fish left
behind by
fisherman in
chunks along
the rocks.

A quarter mile
out on the breakwalls end
the Gateway to
the Angels sits
as still and proud
as an ancient Oak.

Its dependable
vigilance and wisdom
washes over me
as I pass this
night counting
the seconds
the shine.
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