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Yggy Mar 2017
I can't help myself.
There's disaster everywhere,
teeth in every smile.

I can't help you now.
My hands are being washed clean
along with my mind.
Senryu. Senryu. Senryu.
Yggy Feb 2017
Some days ago I realized I'm only getting older
So I tried to be bolder, shake the whole world off my shoulders
My failure has only made me colder
The fire inside, unfed and dying
I can't keep track of all the times I tried to hold her memory
Tried to forget all the lies I told her, silly
And all the lies told to me I let them roll over
Like Sisyphus and his boulder, forever crushing my four leaf clover

Deceit bred a hate I held dearly
A fear grew from what I'd see if I ever saw clearly
I drink what I drank and deny insanity
Still hoping for the change to spawn from monotony

To be continued, I'll see you when I see you
Today tonight tomorrow, next year, anywho
I'll still be a fool and you'll still be a queen
A jester in your court till the fat lady sings
  Feb 2017 Yggy
Words. Work.
Getting old. ***** shirt.  
Exhaustion remains after washing away stains from dirt.  
Lower back hurts,
..but this mindstate is not where I'll stay.  
Meaningless pay spending my hours when I just want to create and play.  
Heavy body, cat nap after embers hit the ashtray.  Astral stray.  
The most nutritious are sometimes the first to decay.  
Get up just to lay.  
Easy to see darkness when there's no heart in the frame..  

So I'll adjust how I see, and remember to breathe,
because all of life comes to us with ease.  
Gonna physically release just to come back and share my dream
Yes yes, nothing less.  
Do what you love
is all I can confess.  
Limited time, I see that we're blessed
Hope to make the most of mine,
before in peace we rest

Death sentence. Moral Repentance.
In the age of remembrance blinded by pyrotechnics.  
Embody the calisthenics and honor further than aesthetics.  
Depths beyond measurement kissing anti-venom lips.  
Tethered to the weather within our steady blissful trips.  
The clock can tick all it wants but the hands are losing their grip.  Proving nothing to be more beautiful than this present-tense eclipse
Intuition is our intangible compass
Creating a compassionate instance that can't be diminished
I am hear forever to play with the trinkets and parade those that listen
Love is all encompassing, not just a mission
Thoughts come to fruition
Extending what you envision
The Synapse fires like a piston
What you've done indicates your current position.  
Think now my friend.
 You are the sun shining at the podium speaking at the perceived end.  
You are the sum dictating everything yet to come.  
Thank you for praising the vibration connected to one.  
Take a deep breath, smile, and have fun.  
This strong web we've achieved can never be unspun.
Reflect your true self and know we've only just begun~
Yggy Feb 2017
The terror begins when each foot,
falling in front of the other,
echoes eternity lost in waters
as shallow as the words
that first breathed the waves to motion.

The terror begins when you realize
there's no need to run;
You're walking slowly
but surely
towards the finish line.
Yggy Feb 2017
I've grown tired of the clear cut clarity
endowed to this lower being of which
I am witness.

Rather I should say,  I await the day
this lesser of three rises up to meet
the highest.

It really is a drag to pack bags so often,
hoping it will end a little differently
this time.

Rather I should say, hoping for beginnings
with rhymes of the reason, yea the reason
of rhyme.
Yggy Feb 2017
Running through life,
not knowing exactly
where I'm goin',
or what I'm passing by;

It's always good to lie

The blood in my cries
should let you know that
I'm just like you,
I'll slowly but surely die.

No need to cry,

are only
tem po rary,

when you solve
your problems
by being
a *******

the cornerstone
you'll marry,

if you go in search
for the meaning
behind the hounds.
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