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 Jul 2015 Pappo
Anthony J
A misty day,
On the way
We used to walk along
On sunny days,
This mist smells
Candy sweet
Like your wrist.
Then, I see someone
In the mist.
Try to catch up,
But soon,
She’s gone with scent.
 Jul 2015 Pappo
Francie Lynch
   can             shine
a     light
          on        me;
          yes      please
            brighten                    up
    my                   day
           just send
Mail cheque to me. Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. N7V4B5
 Jul 2015 Pappo
Chirayu Writer
Go to the truth
Beyond in the mind
Love is the bridge...
 Jul 2015 Pappo
Francie Lynch
My search
For a higher power
Eluded me;
Thank God
I found our
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