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 Jan 2022 Papaya
Jamison Bell
I’m going to write you a poem
This one is just for you
It’ll be yours to have and hold
And I promise you it’s true

I can rest my eyes upon a thousand setting suns
The dressings of fire and water splayed across an ethereal landscape
Each one a symphony unto its own in splendor
And with the conviction of a hurricane
The only ones I’ll remember
Are the ones I watched with you
 Jan 2022 Papaya
Amanda Shelton
The possibility lives within yourself.

If you want something enough
to do anything to achieve it
the possibilities are boundless.

To be prosperous and successful
you have to love yourself first
and the rest will follow.

Think of it as your health, your
mind and body are one you have
to care for both as a whole.

©️ 2022 By Amanda Shelton
 Jan 2022 Papaya
Universe Poems
A young girl I heard,
speak of her,
secondary school experience,
that was lured
It's hard to recognise who people are
That sentence is fear,
and, unsettlement by far
A school,
pupils should feel comfortable to learn,
not scared by who is behind a face,
as I turn,
There is no human discern
In the end robots will descend
Sitting behind a desk,
will be wires,
with an outward human,
clothing dress
A prison camp,
securing a robot rank
Where humans are not part,
of the camp

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
 Jan 2022 Papaya
the crescent brown that rests in his blue eyes,
holds a special kind of light;
This knowledge he holds,
from the struggles he has overcome,
he sees all the darkness the light has to offer,
The possibility that love can cut you open,
yet sees the good every time
those blue eyes have a darkness, specks,
you can hardly notice
only if you are able to look close enough;
The brown around your iris,
I will always admire,
Always and forever proud to call you mine
✨refurbished poem✨
 Jan 2022 Papaya
Amanda Shelton
 Jan 2022 Papaya
Amanda Shelton
Upon the ink from my pen
poetry scratches across this page
with vengeance and vitality.

That like a river overflowing
from its banks, passion floods
from the depths of me.

These pages are evidence of
my poetic crimes, such passion
is like a cut that's deeper than
skin and bone.

Poetry, it's a muse of great
blunder and tragedy.

My lips are locked but my mind is
not. Inspiration grows upon my
silence. Shouts loudly when freed
by writing.

©️ 2022 By Amanda Shelton
 Jan 2022 Papaya
My Dear Poet
Speak not
of what you’re thinking
nor boast of your doing
for as much as you are willing
Just do that, that you do

Don’t brag of who you once were
Nor gloat of what you’ll be
just become what you’re being
and from all, and in all
be free
The greatest ******* in life is our attachment to peoples acknowledgement and appreciation of us. Be you.
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