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Jan 2022 · 272
to the left
Papaya Jan 2022
three darts to the left
might have tried poisoned arrows instead
but it's about the pain not the death
and life, it's a wonderful mess
three strokes from dawn, now that's the true test
to dream, to rise
and do it all again
thank you, God
I feel so *******
Jan 2022 · 271
in my head
Papaya Jan 2022

you can **** a demon  
  with a bullet to your head
or you can make him dance for you


so far i haven't found a cure
   for the sickness in my head
but i've found the path for entertaining it instead
Jan 2022 · 311
Papaya Jan 2022

haven't watched the sun rise
      in quite some time
but i can remember its warmth when
the corners of your eyes curl up in a smile

it's such a beautiful thing
when you get to sleep in
with no where to go
but up

Jan 2022 · 737
near gone
Papaya Jan 2022
everyone I love is dead or dying
so why am I still here
why am I still trying
   my daddy's near gone
and mama's always crying
everyone I love is dead or dying
but I'm still here
I'm still trying
Jan 2022 · 181
with grace
Papaya Jan 2022
it all burns
  every saccharine melody i drink
from your lips to my ear
hot as paris in the summer rain
every sauter, plier and relever
with grace, i dance away
Jan 2022 · 161
Remembering Maya
Papaya Jan 2022

she was a baby's breath 
        a    w  h  i  s  p  e  r                       
    that passed between hearts
  leaving gentle words                          
      that never formed a sentence
but left us dazzled                    
by her presence      

Jan 2022 · 985
suffocate me
Papaya Jan 2022

i inhaled
all of your little whispers

•° of love

as though they were
~ the very breaths ~           

that kept me alive

Jan 2022 · 174
as the last crumbs fall
Papaya Jan 2022

even as the last crumbs fall
i know they'll not lead a mouse to the truth
nor lay a path for one's escape

one cannot blame hell on a devil that does not exist
or pray to an angel whose arrows always miss
love is neither a burden nor a gift

love just is

Jan 2022 · 138
Stupid girl
Papaya Jan 2022
I can feel the weight
that you're carrying inside
and I wish that I could make it mine
part the sea of noise
and carry you to the other side

I wish I could make it all quiet

stupid girl, tell the world
I can hear them calling you a
stupid girl

tell the world
what if it was them
and not you
what is it they'd do

beautiful girl, take off your shoes
let me walk the miles with you

I can feel the weight
that you're carrying inside
and I want to make it mine
to walk at your side
help you cross that line

stupid girl
I wish I could make it all quiet
Papaya Jan 2022

safely from a distance
you are beautiful
a chance missed
like the alignment of an eclipse
til then my eyes chase you through time

Jan 2022 · 134
that thing
Papaya Jan 2022

an army of kittens
into the mouth of a lion
this is what it does
it eats your innocence

Jan 2022 · 142
It's a tricky one, right?
Papaya Jan 2022

i write about love

   that's a tricky one though

how do you capture
   fireworks and fireflies
in a child's eyes

       or a ghost
             that refuses
to leave the love he waits for
         after he dies

if i knew how to write these things
i'd write about love
     and more

it's a tricky one though

Jan 2022 · 138
Lying to myself again
Papaya Jan 2022

my pencil swirls 'round in figure eights 
      looking for the rhythm 
the flow of words that feel just right 
        that can shed light 
on things that lack clarity 
  that have me questioning

Jan 2022 · 1.4k
In the moment
Papaya Jan 2022

we are 
push and pull

both beautiful 
and ugly

what we are
lies primarily in the timing

Papaya Jan 2022

my sighs cut through time
    like splintered winds
releasing buried sorrows

Jan 2022 · 227
Papaya Jan 2022

I am the warmth
of every season

teasing wisps of
perfumed seduction
between streams
of grandiose dreams

wrapt in tangled desires
dancing in moonbeams
  with a visceral greed

I long to crush your screams
flesh to teeth
above and beneath
the warmth
of every season

Jan 2022 · 163
Papaya Jan 2022
~ too scared to make my dreams come true
my doctor says i only dream in blue ~
Jan 2022 · 145
My way
Papaya Jan 2022
I nailed my spirit animal to the wall and walked away
purring like a kitten lapping up a bowl of corn flakes
for ****'s sake, he always led me astray
what's his purpose anyway if he can't keep me straight
happy new year to me
time to live life my way
doin' it my way
Jan 2022 · 328
Tree lights
Papaya Jan 2022
Picking lights from a tree
holidays aren't meant for you and me
so I am left standing
in a world growing dark
picking lights from a tree that's lost its spark

— The End —