You see the smile I plaster on my face
But you don't see it falter
At the end of each day
You see me laugh as it lights up my eyes
But you don't notice
That it's really from crying
You notice the happy looks
And blushing you cause
But you don't notice the sad ones
And the frowns that come from
My own self imposed flaws
You see when I'm happy
And up and about
But you don't see when I'm sad
And can't even get up
To walk around
You see my talk about the things I love
Like my art
My poetry
And the walks in the dark
But you don't see the results that come from
These things that I do
You don't see the art
That shows the pain that I wish to display
You don't read the poems
That speak the words my heart wishes to say
And most of all
You're not there when all of my broken
Flows to the surface
As the dark masks all the flaws
As I think about all the wrong choices I've made
Buy hey,
I'm okay
So just focus on the smile
On my face