Your name to me is dad
Or father
But thats not how it feels in reality
I dont want to call you that
And it physically hurts me to
Because of all you've put me though
My pain stems from you
My tears stem from you
My heartbreaks stem from you
Every broken part of me is because of you
You touched me one night
And stole my innocence
You hit me one time
And stole my confidence
You shame me for the friends i make
Just because of race
Or maybe because they arent strong
Arent smart
They aren't good enough to you
And by doing that you make me afraid to hang out with them
Because if i do
Im afraid
Im afriad you'll hate on them
Or maybe ryu will
Im afraid you'll call me stupid
Or *******
Or any other thing
Just because they dont fit your standards
You make me afriad
Not of others
But of you
And i have a good reason to be
So no
You are no longer father
You are no longer my dad
You are no longer my family
You're just a name in the wind