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 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
Well, I don't need no injections.
I take my meds on time.
I don't need no injections.
I haven't done no crime.

I'm just a little moody.
And that's okay with me.
I don't need no injections.
******* and let me be.
After a considerable amount of time, I finally return to one of my cherished havens.

Nature whispers secrets that words fail to convey.
The wind caresses gently, while seagulls gracefully soar through the sky.
The ever-changing sea takes on mesmerising forms, while crickets in the trees orchestrate their own symphony of life.

Amidst this beauty, I am surrounded by a multitude of distractions, I can hear the melodies of live music playing in a distance...

I yearn to follow a path that defies the current, pulling me in a different direction.

Occasionally, our memories hold a greater allure than the present moment. I contemplate this as I gaze into the depths of this soothing sea of mine.

We yearn for a different reality, one that is more gratifying.

We long for the presence of those who, in a life that’s no more, truly understood us, or for those who know how to comprehend us on a deeper level, who want to see what we see just because they love us and want to connect with us.

Looking back at the door that was your entrance into Paradise… to you, Yanni, I say this:
we shared such a profound connection when you sought permission to leap into the light, that our bond will remain unbroken beyond time and space.

Despite everything else feeling distant, you are close enough to be present in this very moment.

Penny Black ©
Our souls will remain within the husk of our mortal sleeves, never to interlace, and it shall be a divine and universal mercy
my heart’s so fragile;
i’m afraid to give it away,

all that’s left of me is
a sarcastic personality,
and even that is
starting to fade.
 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
I went out to find
Some value in me,
So I sold what I had
For little a fee.

My eyes for a penny
I sold to some fools,
They're blind and useless,
Mistook for jewels.

My lips for a nickel
To the sweetest sin,
So they'll know the love
That has never been.

My ears for a dime
I sold to a lover.
To hear sweet nothings,
And silence uncover.

My hands for a quarter
I sold to a ghost,
So that she might feel
What I've wanted the most.

Finally my bones for a dollar
I sold to the earth,
But as for my soul-
There was found no worth.
 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
winter child
In case no one gets it,
i collect my excerpts
than i spell my prayer.
Spills my personal feelings
and trouble,
longer than i bow
on my knees.

i memorize every shame
and quote it
in a piece of paper,
the same stroke
they did to break
my bones.
Marks down
every of their tone
when i got yelled at,
being degraded.

In case no one gets it,
i use my fingertips to fight.
Being sure of my words,
but never myself.

They can take off my guts,
break down my sanity
into pieces of insecurity.
Yet i’m here to remain bold
until the last spill of ink,
and my pen
can no longer stand.
the battle is in my head

 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
She speaks in clouds,

her curves drink lost

Her dress entrances.

This marketplace so full
of colour,

many fragrances merge.

I watch her dance with
gypsy jazz tones.

Olive skin and dark hair.

She beckons me forth, to
a flaming beauty.

With her clouds I
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