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 Jun 2019 Pagan Paul
I’m malleable
A Chameleon in heart
You can undo me
Is this a correct Haiku?
I find I always change myself to suit whoever is around me to make them feel comfortable
 Jun 2019 Pagan Paul
Simple words of wisdom
Are usually complex riddles.

Simple words of advice
Are usually no help.

Simple words of a song
Are usually meant for someone.

Simple words of a poet
Usually, mean more than you see.

So simple words,
Are never really very simple.
At least for me, they aren't.
 Jun 2019 Pagan Paul
Sharon Flynn
rise, moonbird, rise
let your silver moonbird eyes
scatter the lanterns of the stars
a lullaby sung in colorful galaxies
as the night goes on and on
the Moon itself rises so high
undoes its daylight fetters
wraps its tie-dye colors
in the softened embrace
of a moonbird's feathers

notes of arias in the night
ascend into a sacred hymn
sung by a moonbird's throaty
warbled sound
the Moon's bright face
instills a kiss of light
raises up romantic notes
in the heart of the moonbird's chest
his soliloquy sends yearning
to be held in the arms of God

pampered by
the surrounding planets
wake, moonbird, wake
claim your place in the night's canopy
crown your aqua breastplate
with a luminous star pin
that accents the heart glow inside
by your universal flights
to other sides of the world
and to the dark sands of red
that cover the shores of Mars
Inspired by the video by John Adorney - Waiting For  The Moon
 Jun 2019 Pagan Paul
I am but a poem
My body made of rhymes
I have been written
One too many times
Beauty I often read
Love I wish to know
You, you are an explanation point!
You let your feelings show...
But as you can clearly see
I'm a simple paragraph
Easily as I was written
I am doomed to pass...
Yet it's all been written before
After all
I am a poem
Nothing more!
Traveler Tim
 Jun 2019 Pagan Paul
Jayne E
Night binds me blue in blackened silk
elemental sleep stolen by deadest dark
needing rest, comfort, kindness's milk
sifted tears & sobs do leave their mark

feels so solitary stark

no escape hatch though I crave release
as wants pull me unto vapoured arms
no succour here I will feel no peace
only bitter pills and swallowed harms

crested light brings harsher days
tattered remnants of coppered dreams
reminds me its the psyche that pays
as fragile silk tears joy at its seams

of winters mourn

dawns bring the bitten blinded sighs
a glassed in cage for wing clipped birds
oblivion obscura in the masses eyes
ears deadened to my silence unheard

oceans full of childs supple soft bones
his hunters blade glistens the breaks
the wind whispers tortured moans
the sliced knife tip just takes and takes

the sea swallows me down

Its serene to the point of painful, pretty
this forest where sprites could be at play
no lighter folly for this game is too gritty
secret lair to lead his new lambs to slay

as these vignettes proxy via my dreams
projector unspools reels sickly unsweet
his breath putrefies unpeals my screams
his scent petrifies my heart shale & sleet

a once fierce heart lays flayed.

J.C. littlebird 07/06/2019.
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