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Owen Feb 2024
Back I go
To average Joe
Someone I haven't been
for longer than I can remember
someone I'm terrified of,
someone who kept me up late,
and woke me an hour later,
put me on the chopping block,
put me in a room with all the doors locked,
turned me to stone,
gave me nightmares so that I could atone
for existing.
And if I go to sleep
and don't wake up
then Id just be
an average joe.
There's parts of our past we wish we could go back to, and there's parts that haunt us.
Owen Oct 2023
And there it is
That seductive glass of ice
Pulling me in
Keeping my head
just below the surface.
As the firm embrace of numb takes hold.
As the images blur and shift
As it all slips away
The calm
Before the panic
The stabbing pain
And euphoria.
Owen Aug 2023
I let myself down again.
These expectations I imagine
Others placed on me
weigh me down.
But it's only me.
It's my head.
It's my ******* body
that is never
strong enough,
fast enough,
I never learn quick enough
I surely learned early
that I'll never be enough.
To fail one time in a thousand
is one too many.
I'm just not the man
I expect myself to be
I'm just me
And it's not enough.
I am my biggest critic and one failure feels like a lifetime of failures. I wish I could make it stop.
Owen Apr 2023
Because the day will come
where they come for you
and all you love.
They better pray to their god,
and beseech their idols of control,
that they are as dangerous as I.
Owen Mar 2023
And there it is again
that feeling, that inescapable, tormenting
The quiet is a knife and my limbs are like lead.
Rocks in my stomach as air leaks from my
and will not fill them.
I'm breathless and silent as the grave.
to be told that you made a mistake,
that it wasn't your fault
that it just happened
and you didn't want it to,
but you don't even want justice
for the things he did to you.
It tears me apart.
pain and hate
it's too late
to take back all the love, time, and life
that I poured and poured into us.
And you take his side
when I say how I feel.
You tell me
I'm overreacting


I am passionate
A man of action
I pay all my debts
and fulfill my promises.

And that's more than can be said
for you.
I have nightmares
Owen Mar 2023
No one is coming.
No one is going to reach in and pull you out
of this dark pit
you've made your home
again and again.
No one is going to save you
from the shadows that visit in the night,
the demons that follow you in daylight.
No one is coming.
No relief.
No respite.
No rest.
No release.
No one is coming
for me.
Just have to dig myself out.
Owen Mar 2023
And yet,
even as the world burned,
the children died,
the fathers wept,
the mothers cried,
there was hope brought
by every sunrise.
In every breath drawn,
the courage to take another.
The will to fight on
though we all
are doomed.
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