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 Sep 2015 Alexandra
 Sep 2015 Alexandra
i mean
we can talk about
the weather or
summer plans
we can talk about
our families and
our schools
i would much rather talk about
life and death
and everything in between
i want to
spill out all my secrets to you
and i want to
know my way around your mind
i want to
tell you how i feel about things
and i want to
hear what you have to say about the world
i want to
hear you rant about your friends
and i want to
tell you what i do at 3am
i want to
reach the deepest parts of you
and i want you to
break down every wall i’ve ever built around my heart
i want to find intimacy
without it putting me
in a constant state of anxiety and discomfort
and i want to
find it with you
Thoughts race inside
My unstoppable mind
As I lie, still as ever
In this bed of mine

Not moving, won't stop,
Can't grab them or drop
them on the floor under my feet
where they belong, I can't compete

I'd love to think of rivers
Or calming peaceful streams
Oh what I'd give to think of flowers
Or the buzzing sound of bees

Inside is a hurricane
Outside is a drizzle
I can't control my hurried mind
But at least it's working well

Oh I shouldn't complain,
Yes my thoughts run all day
Each one deeper than the last
And although I'm led astray
My thoughts tell me more
Than your words ever could
Because I've had a hundred
More thoughts than I should

Oh the thoughts race inside
My unstoppable mind
As I lie, still as ever
In this bed of mine
i know that
i'm sure of my loneliness
i don't want to be
prove me wrong
all those pieces of me across the floor,
don't pick them up
and try and put them back together
i don't want a solution
i want relation
crack shortly after i do
beat me to it, better yet
i need to know how broken we are
there's something romantic about two people
drenched in love and tears
give me every part of you that you hate
because those are what i love most

— The End —