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A walk upon the waters; nigh
Shalt not split thy vein
Lest furtive glances; sigh
To bear upon His Name.

What twills apart my Being
Must extricate a feeling
Is truly trying triumph
For brew upon the brow.

If moorings mast is cracking
then ****** upon the wind
for deeper trust be lacking
my Bow I must rescind.

a Keeper of her stables
should roll up bales of hay
a Reader of her Fables
would wish to port her Bay

Make for meager living
In a time as starkly stout
To climb upon the mountain
Into the tempest, Shout!!
How I would imagine a centuries old poet's reflection upon the modern Self and greater society as a Whole. (This particular poet is a bit cynical:)
from ash to soul and soul to ash,
a continuation of life ever-last;
dancing with hexahedron hierarchy --
eating off epidemic oligarchy --

we've crowned a fool, with saviours in town;
our eyes in wool, 'til we turn around,
with eyes of indigo, soaring free,
an extra sight within the trees...

soon each shape moulds together as one,
like scattered stars at midnight come,
an image emerges from the light,
which unveils such a splendid sight:

the fall of kings, the rise of queens
and all the other fragile things;
love and beauty on the tongue,
swivelled down into the lungs,

knowing not what to become,
the cringe of fear resides in some;
hide inside a box with ***
until the waking morning comes...

it's time to rise: wake up! wake up!
leave your box, dispose of cups;
out of the office, into vast love
of a day which is anew, because --

the dark is done if you wish to banish;
revolution is not so outlandish,
when fish merely roam in schools of thought,
with nothing ever truly taught,

until one day, the shark will come,
and cause you to despise your ***,
your weak hand, and your menace,
for all is well when there is penance,

"for they know not what they do...",
leader to people, as lion to shrew;
abolishing all antiquity
in order to reach sublimity.
Every day we walk towards the end
Of a phase this life has to offer
Trying to gather ourselves
As we are stretched toward all directions
So many things tugging our attention
Filled with hope, our minds
Weave so many dreams everyday
As if we are here to stay forever
But life has a different mirror
Which reflects the ultimate reality
Albeit, we do not pay heed to it
Creating our own reflection
Though, distorted it may be
We believe in it
We don’t want the transient moments to fade
Never realizing the path will end
Taking us towards a new journey
It’s brave to acknowledge the faults
Standing naked, without the armor
Behind which the fears hid
Unsheathed swords ready to strike
Everyone around wants to avenge
Cloaked with the veil of vulnerability
Cornered and taken to trial
None, but you have faltered ever
From the trials and tribulations
Emerges a strong soul
Which had the gumption to acknowledge
The faults that one may succumb to
Yet, the bravest cannot concede
It takes a valiant heart
To be not scared to acknowledge
And emerge a winner
Fire and ice compete within 
Slowly melting my soul
Flames and freezing rain fall in
Trying to break my whole

This flare that I used to ignite
Has backfired in my face
And now the only respite I find
Is in ice's cold embrace. 

The embers that I used to burn
Were fuel enough to fly
They took me to places never seen
Instead of burning down my sky

I shiver and shake, racked with hate
And fear and love contending
Desire hot as fire, not
Any respite sending

In one calm moment, looking up
And falling to my knees
I see that I was not alone
Just consumed with me.
 Oct 2014 Ever Punk Goddess
What once made me douce
Now tends to shake screws loose.
It's surprisingly strange,
How quickly things change.

Once our relationship was completed,
I realised you were always conceited.
I can now truly confirm; love is blind.
Yet to this day you remain, stuck in my mind.
One of my first poems (only got around to uploading it now) so, obviously, it is riddled with clichéd landmines so I apologise.

*Side note: I picked up on a syllable pattern of 5, 6, 6, 5, 10, 11, 10, 11 and as such I'm coining a new metre (sticking with the clichés) called Kiamm-metre / Kiammmetre [KEY-am-eet-er] - just to justifiably use three "m's" next to one another.

**Secondary side note, for all those linguistic nerds out there, Kiammmetre is:
a, b, b, a,
a+a, a+b, a+a, a+b
where a and b represent syllables.
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