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 Dec 2015 Nieve
Mike Essig
For my boys, now grown, but in memory still green.*

Sleep, child, the winter is long
and the harsh winds blow cold,
but in my arms you are warm.
The time will soon be here
when you will wake, grown and alone,
to find me passed from this lonely earth.
The years will fly and you will wake to springs
long after my arms have left you,
long after this lullaby is sung.
But  now I hold you as in a dream
and thank whatever gods may be
that we are here, just you and me.

 Dec 2015 Nieve
Phillis Wheatley
To cultivate in ev’ry noble mind
Habitual grace, and sentiments refin’d,
Thus while you strive to mend the human heart,
Thus while the heav’nly precepts you impart,
O may each ***** catch the sacred fire,
And youthful minds to Virtue’s throne aspire!
  When God’s eternal ways you set in sight,
And Virtue shines in all her native light,
In vain would Vice her works in night conceal,
For Wisdom’s eye pervades the sable veil.
  Artists may paint the sun’s effulgent rays,
But Amory’s pen the brighter God displays:
While his great works in Amory’s pages shine,
And while he proves his essence all divine,
The Atheist sure no more can boast aloud
Of chance, or nature, and exclude the God;
As if the clay without the potter’s aid
Should rise in various forms, and shapes self-made,
Or worlds above with orb o’er orb profound
Self-mov’d could run the everlasting round.
It cannot be—unerring Wisdom guides
With eye propitious, and o’er all presides.
  Still prosper, Amory! still may’st thou receive
The warmest blessings which a muse can give,
And when this transitory state is o’er,
When kingdoms fall, and fleeting Fame’s no more,
May Amory triumph in immortal fame,
A nobler title, and superior name!
 Dec 2015 Nieve
 Dec 2015 Nieve
It rains.
A truffled scent
in dead leaves,
naked trees.
into the depths
of the night.
Thank you, deeply, to all the friends that so kindly read, liked and supported this poem! Here, to you all, at Hello Poetry, cheers, the prize is yours!
 Dec 2015 Nieve
Dark n Beautiful
When I see things that is so inhumane
I just have to close my eyes, and shake my head
I am part of a team there,
but I am not happy to be on board
A failing system that’s ruthless
So I put on my gloves,
and do as much as I can
Else I would be living that lie.

When I see things that is so inhumane
I just tighten my jaws and shake my head
To the things that disgust me the most
I burn incense as a symbol of prayer for the helpless
 Dec 2015 Nieve
in life you wish for something
then there comes a time when you'll stop wishing
not because you already got what you wanted
but because you've finally accepted the fact that not all wishes come true.
*Wishing is like wishing for rain while standing in the desert.
Its hopeless.
 Dec 2015 Nieve
Anyone can be someone for a short period of time
Something I've learned.
 Dec 2015 Nieve
Purple Rain
Roses are red
violets are blue
last time we talked
I forgot to mention I love you
I love your simplistic imperfections
The way our brains make simple connections
Looking into both of our kind hearted eyes
Wishing we can minimize the pain we both feel inside

When we're put together
You and I love each other forever and more
Our hearts range deep
Starting from the vibrant colors of our hearts core
One day I'll say I love you as I look into the beauty of your green eyes
Touching the softness of your hair
And the calmness of your skin
I'll tell you
I adore the bravery of the fight you have within
And The warmth of your...
I'll pause and say where do I begin
And as the wind blows ill smile Into your eyes
As the loveliness of yourself smiles back
I'll say I love you
And I hope your okay with that
2015 Isabella Rose
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