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563 · Feb 21
Would You Remember?
E Feb 21
Sometimes I wonder
If you'd even remember
What you did

I think you cared
But that was a while ago

Before you took everything from me
My heart, soul, and name
And left me without even the memory of you
349 · Jan 24
I Wish You'd Forget Me
E Jan 24
I wish you'd forget
whatever it was
about me you used to know
Because I don't remember me
and it's only hurting you

I wish you would forget
the things I said
when I was trying to help
Or selfishly trying to be remembered
and it's only hurting you

I wish you would forget
whatever it was we used to share
I know you care
but I do too
and it's only hurting you

I wish you'd forget me
whatever it is you'd remember
my smile or my tears
my laughter or my fears
Because it's only hurting you

And I wish you'd forget me.
For Niko. I'm sorry.
224 · Feb 20
An Empty Chair
E Feb 20
What does it mean
when it's
the therapist's chair
that's empty?

Maybe an accident
but the rope
the knife
the pills

It wasn't
an accident
a mistake, maybe
but no accident

Is it selfish
to wish they hadn't
the only one
you could tell

Is it
my fault?
Did I spill
too much?

How many times
did I
break down
in that office?

On that couch
in that room
crying my heart out
while she just... nodded.

Could I have
seen it
if I just

Maybe if I
just stayed
a little longer

But what if's
don't change the past
even if
I wish

I wish
doesn't erase
the date
on that headstone

My tears
won't bring her back
it's not even
my pain...

It hurts
but I can't

Am I
the one to
or just another puzzle piece?

If I could
just go back
follow the lines
could I fix it?

untangle the strings
uncover the lies
blow out the candle
fill the chair again
by anonymous
I miss her. Not like a friend but as a mentor. She always felt so much stronger than me and now she's just... gone. Wish I could still visit her grave... but it's too far now. Maybe some day.
155 · Feb 7
Born To Suffer
E Feb 7
Sometimes I think
we were just born
to suffer

Maybe a cruel twist
of fate maybe by the
God's design

I don't really care
about the why I just
want it to stop

Because if every new
day just means
losing something or someone

Being afraid of everything
holding onto something already fading
I don't know how much longer I can

I'd like to try and think
that maybe I'll try for you
but I know I'll lose you too someday

As much as I wish to
I don't think I can believe
in a happily ever after

Because sometimes things
don't work out
and we still have to go on

I'm trying to hold on
trying to hold back my tears
but I don't know if I can

I always knew that each new beginning
has an unavoidable end
but it still hurts

The thought of losing you
keeps me up at night
and you tell me it'll be alright

But I don't know anymore
because what am I supposed to do
when I lose the best part of my life?
Written about my experiences with terminal illness. Friends, family, and even partners I know have struggled with it and as much as I hate to say it having gone through it before does not make it easier. I'm sorry.
143 · Feb 17
The Eye That Watches
E Feb 17
I always think
there's someone watching
in the night
or in the light

There's no break
from the feeling
of Eyes on me
and I just want a break

I know I could just Ask
but just maybe
I don't want to Know
maybe i'm scared

I Knew once
what it meant
and I don't think
I can forget

It hurts
in some ways
but I can never
get rid of it
by Jon
96 · Jan 24
Cutting You Off Hurts
E Jan 24
I'd give you my heart
I'd give you my time
but I only have
so little left

I might ask you to wait
to let me remember
but I know you'd wait
until it's too late

So I just ask
you let me go
and that you know
it's not your fault

My memory is a blank page
and it's not helping you
so put down your pen
and let yourself forget

It was never easy
and it was never going to be
Just please remember:
"It's not your fault."
I hope you know I don't blame you.
91 · Jan 25
Reminders In March
E Jan 25
It's starting to warm up
but I can't calm down
they'll tell you it wasn't so bad
"You're better now, right?"

But they weren't there
in that place
where words were so limited
actions even more so

Maybe some of it helped
but not all of it did
and sometimes I think
I'll never feel free again

He was kind
but didn't understand
she was amazing
but you couldn't get too close

Can't talk about this
can't talk about that
keep it light, please
redirect and forget

Maybe some of it helped
but he wasn't always
as good as they said
and we were constantly afraid

You can't whisper
but don't talk too loud either
watch you diet
but don't think too much about food

We all had our demons there
some more obvious than others
the pills didn't make it go away
sometimes they just made you numb

Leaving didn't make you free
there was still so much to do
and everything was so different
they couldn't handle it when you cried

So off again you went
a new place, a new house, new rules
but the same old problems
because you weren't free

The pills didn't fix you
and neither did their words
some even made it worse
and you didn't even know what home was

Not anymore
everything changed
they'll tell you it helped
"You should be better now"

They made you change too fast
and got mad when it didn't work
the mold snapped
and the real you slipped through the cracks

So maybe it helped
and maybe it didn't
but I think I'll always
hate reminders in March

Because I'm not really free
and to you, I'm not really me
a bandaid over a bullet hole
and a painted on smile

But I'll still always hate
reminders in March
The path to recovery is not linear.
80 · Jan 23
Running Out Of Time
E Jan 23
Nice cars
White picket fence
Shoes lined neatly by the door
And nothing on the floor

Running out of time

A suit and tie
And you rush out
Out the door
And onto the streets

Hurry, hurry, running out of time

Down the street
Through the crowd
The ticking of your watch
A mockery of your pace

Too late, too slow

Your lungs and throat burn
Tears sting your eyes
The watch ticks on
You never were good at running

*Too late.
68 · Jan 24
A Field of Flowers
E Jan 24
I sit in a field
full of flowers

I'm waiting for someone
but I can't remember who

I'm hoping for something
but I can't remember what

I hope there's something
after this

But I'm not so sure
there's anything left

Sometimes I think I'm stuck
With nothing left to go back to

That maybe no one is coming
And I'm all alone

It's dark here
and far too cold

I hope there's a way out
but I don't think there is

I'm in a field of flowers
and it is my gilded cage
I don't like this but I'm not going to let you hurt yourself just to help me
68 · 6d
Nothing Matters
E 6d
I'm starting to think
none of it matters
we all are going
to die either way

So who really cares
about who I kiss
or who I love
or what pronouns I use

I'll like what I like
whether that be painting
or maybe crocheting
or exercising

I'll like who I like
and be who I want to be
because really what does it matter
me saying I'm a boy and not a girl
when we all die anyway?

One day all our bones
will be buried in the earth
or already gone
so what does it matter
if I don't fit the norm?

I'm not hurting anyone
by standing outside
of your strict rules
regarding gender and love

Love who you want to
we only have so much time
why waste all of it
hating other people
for something that they
never really chose?
E Jan 25
There's a chill in the air
and holly in your hair
presents wrapped neatly
and words said sweetly

Candles sit on the shelf
right there next to an elf
off work early
and home in time for a shirley

It's a rather nice time
even if it seems without rhyme
it all seems so senseless
when I know your pain is endless

Because there's old love in December
as the fire fades to ember
all the tears you hide
ever since I left your side

I wish I could stop your pain
but it's as consistent as the rain
I suppose I could move ahead
but I think I'll stay here instead
POV: dying before your lover
64 · Feb 20
Hidden Tears
E Feb 20
I want to cry
but I can't
because then you'd see
and I don't think
I could bear to see
the pain in your eyes
knowing you're worried
about me

So I pull back
hide away
pull my hood up
say I'm fine
and walk quickly
careful, not too fast
to the bathroom
and quietly
the tears fall

I've learned how
to hide it by now
a bit of cold water
just a bit of time
and you'd never know
I can't let you see
that I can't
hold it together

That I'm falling apart
and it's not your fault
it's not anyone's
not really
I just can't

But that's my job
isn't it?
to worry
take care of
so why
why does it hurt?
why can't I
stop crying?

I think
it'll be fine
just laugh
and smile
a bit of concealer
and they won't know
I didn't sleep

Carefully timed
showers and
washing clothes
More ramen cups
in the trash
than anything else
trying to hold it together

Just drink another cup
down more coffee
and get back to it
another assignment
another hug
more comforting words
You can do it
keep it together
just a little longer

Maybe it wouldn't
fall apart
if I did
but I can't
risk that
a funny word
so small
for so much
like me
holding more
then it can

Maybe one day
it'll be fine
the pills
the therapy
maybe it will
finally help
but for now
I just need
a minute
to breathe
a break
don't look
too long

Maybe I'm not
is it
Am I?

Tears falling
heavy like rain
but they can't
I won't let them
I'll be fine
a bit more
and I'll be
by anonymous
I'm just.... tired. I want to help, I do. But I'm tired. I'm supposed to be the help.
63 · Feb 13
E Feb 13
Maybe I don't want to be here
and maybe I'd rather be buried
but maybe I like the rain
and maybe I want to hold your hand
so maybe I don't want to let go
but maybe I don't know how to hold on
and maybe there is no easy answer
but maybe we don't need one
Maybe I'm happy
and maybe I want to cry
so maybe I let the rain be my tears
or maybe I just like the feeling
maybe I spend too long alone
or maybe I just need the quiet
maybe I'm okay
and maybe I feel like I'm dying
but maybe it doesn't matter
because maybe there's no answer
Written after spending ten minutes out in the rain for funsies.
59 · Jan 26
Death of an Unknown
E Jan 26
Someone is dead
it's a rather simple thing really
a body already buried underneath the earth

You'd think it might be sad
but no one who remembers them
still lives or maybe
no one ever knew them

No tears were shed when their body was found
burnt in a forest or was it
tied to a rock at the bottom of the lake
it doesn't matter either way

They were someone once
or maybe they weren't
but they are dead now
and it's only so long even that will be known

No grave or headstone to mark
where their body lays under the ground
grass and flowers are already starting to grow
over once overturned earth

Maybe they were always buried
maybe they were simply created to feed this earth
their decay becoming food
for bugs and plants alike

No one knows them
or if they did they don't anymore
sometimes you might feel sad if you visited
where they rest but you won't know why

And you shall soon forget
because it is the death of just
yet another unknown
nameless and inconsequential

Maybe they were important once
but they're not anymore
and soon even this will disappear
nothing lasts forever

No one knows who they were
a prince or a baker or a cobbler
perhaps a seamstress or dressmaker or hatter
or something like an engineer or lamp lighter

So many unknowns
have already died
and faded no longer important
enough to be remembered

You like to say that you
would notice
perhaps you would remember
but even you don't

There is no knowing
the truth of an unknown
only ever a guess
of what could have been
Death feeds our lives more than you'd notice.
E Jan 25
It's only January
and I'm already
falling behind

End of winter break
Back to school
New expectations again

Rush, run, quick

A new job for her
More stress than ever
Got to fill the calendar

Rush, run, quick

It's already so busy
Dates and times blur by
Plans canceled

Rush, run quick

I feel lost in all of this
It's still cold outside
But the house is already warm with anger

Rush, run, quick

A new president
A new worry
An old hatred reheated

Rush, run, quick

My feet bleed
Against the rough sidewalk
Too much hurrying

Rush, don't stop, quick

I need to protect
But can't hold it together
Be busy, maybe they won't notice

Rush, run, quick

You need to prepare
But don't lose yourself either
Don't fall behind

Rush, run, quick

Birthdays and dinners and parties
Play games with him
But don't forget her

Rush, run, quick

Learning new words
New words but don't get lost
They'll get mad if you're confused

Rush, don't stop, quick

Resolutions fall behind
The trash bag breaks
Everything seems to fall

Rush, run, quick

There's so much stress
And it's still only the first month
I wonder when it ends

Rush, run, quick

It's only January
And I'm already falling behind
Will I ever catch up?
To everyone who's stressed with the new year I hope you find time to take care of yourself. We got this <3
58 · Feb 1
Intertwining Pasts
E Feb 1
Fragments of our past
tie together like strings
too long and too old
twisting and wrapping and turning
until they snap
and we're only left with fragments

I wish I'd been braver
maybe then I would have asked
before it was already too late
maybe we could have been more
maybe we would still have
fallen apart
but I wish I was brave enough to know
instead of just being left wondering

Because these "what ifs"
keep me up at night
leaving me crying
without knowing why
alone in a bed
that feels too empty
though I've always been
the only one in it

Is it possible
to miss something
that you've never had
to long so deeply
for a possibility
that it hurts
and you don't know
what to do?

If things had been different
would you still be here
if things had been different
would I still be alone?
If I could just be
anyone but me
then maybe it wouldn't be
so broken

Because that's what is
isn't it?
all my fault
because I couldn't be
what you wanted
so desperate for your approval
but never just enough

I always fell short
and now I've fallen too far
away from you
and everything I had
left alone with nothing
and only this darkness
inside and all around
so thick it's choking me

Would this have happened
if I had just listened
done what you said
and turned off my heart
became what you wanted
me to be
just another shadow
in the dark
Found a song that inspired me a bit and then just kinda kept writing. Hope you like it
56 · Jan 24
Six Feet Under
E Jan 24
Down here
I like to dream
of the sky
because I know
I'll never see it again

The earth presses
down, heavy, and firm
it fills my lungs
and I wish it would stop
but there's no death here

If I had something
I might be able to get out
but I don't
so I won't
and it continues to hurt

I think my bones may
be broken, my heart
more so. But it's all
just a dull ache
down here
six feet under
I think this is what depression feels like.
E Jan 25
It seems such a silly thing
but today feels like a second chance
a second chance to try again

Maybe I can't fix it
but I'll try
because I don't want to lose this

Stolen kisses in the halls
words that no one else will read
a gift I think you'll like

Sometimes I think
they would laugh if they knew
but I don't care when I'm with you

I know it's probably silly
to imagine a time like this
to be a second chance

But I won't let their cruel words
and the harsh steps back
to stop me from being next to you

I worked hard to be here
and I'm not leaving
until you ask me to

It's a second chance
so early in the year
but I won't lose it, not this time

Maybe I don't remember
and maybe you don't too
but something brought us together

Maybe a second chance
is what we need
maybe it's just a foolish want

But while I still can
I'll hold onto it
because I don't want to forget

Your smile or your laugh
or the feeling of your kiss
or you in my arms

I don't want to lose
whatever it is I have with you
but I'm still scared
55 · Feb 19
Twisting and Turning
E Feb 19
When laughter
turns into tears
and blood
turns into rains

The feeling of melting
turning into glass breaking
the softness of rose petals
now cold as ice

The hardness of words
means nothing now
just as much as Time
bends under the will of insanity

Soft notes on the piano
now a harsh discord of bells
light that was once gentle
now blinding to look at

Trust broken
even after I held on so long
the once solid hope
crumbling like sand between my fingers

Dull colors now bright
and then dull again
the floor falling out under my feet
once carpet is now harsh concrete

The air used to taste sweet
but now it's choking like smoke
is it tears on my face
or blood soaking my skin?

Can't tell what is real
but I don't think
there is anything real
in this swarming sea of Spirals

The Twisting and Turning
the very source of madness
and Delusional itself
and it's drowning me
by Michael
the feeling of finally realizing they were lying.
55 · Jan 23
Wasting Time
E Jan 23
Time slips through my fingers
Like sand it falls
Down, down, down
I try to catch it
But it's all in vain

I'd like to try again
To pick it back up
To turn back and redo
Maybe there's something better
But it only brings pain

I think there's something
Somewhere in this hourglass
But if there is I can't find it
I've wasted so much time
Trying to count each grain

They tried to warn me
It was a waste of time
There's no remembering
There's no fixing it
But I try again even if it's in vain
55 · Jan 25
Rain in November
E Jan 25
The light tap
of rain against the window
the chill in the air
and the water gathering in puddles

You stay inside
a cup of tea in your hand
and a book on your lap
a rather cozy day

The rain falls lightly
gracing the earth
with water it's starved for
though it's not always good

You think you're fine
and you go on as if you are
but your face is wet
as your eyes cry with the sky

Maybe it's not perfect
but hide that away
just smile
and it'll all go away
52 · 2d
Fire Burns
E 2d
It sounds such a silly thing
to state the truth as it is
so plain and simple
but that's how it is, isn't it?

Fire burns
drugs ****
grief hurts
knives are dangerous
don't trust strangers

But there's more to that, isn't there?

Fire burns but it can feel good
Drugs **** but they also can give you dopamine
Grief hurts but there's catharsis
Knives are dangerous but so are people
Trusting a stranger can **** you or save you

Not all truths are surface level
so stop saying they are
because really,
can you see it all
by just looking?

If you look at a tree
can you see all its roots
the way it pulls water and nutrients up
can you count every leaf and knot
can you see all the bugs or mushrooms
or moss or worms around it or in it
can you see the rot in a fallen log?
can you see life in what's broken?

So done with people saying I'm faking it.
51 · Jan 23
Puzzle Pieces
E Jan 23
Bits of the past
Like puzzle pieces
You try to fit them together
But you can't make a puzzle
Without all the pieces

Memories are fragile
The cardboard pieces fall apart
Under even the slightest pressure
Water of tears
Or fire of anger

The past is like a puzzle piece
Desperately trying to put it
Back together
But you can't make a puzzle
Without all the pieces

Sometimes you think you have it
Only to realize it doesn't fit
Because you don't remember
Why can't you remember?
The pieces don't fit.

You can't make a puzzle
Without all the pieces.
50 · Jan 29
The Blind Artist
E Jan 29
There was once
someone who made
without ever seeing
what it was

They could draw
they could paint
they could write
but they never saw what others did
when they looked at it

Some called it horrifying
some called it beautiful
some called it sad
and some simply called it true

For when you can't see
what have you
to filter the things you hear
all around you

Rumors of war get turned
into drawings of harsh lines
the sound of explosions
captured on paper in color

Words of love
a soft shape that spirals
on and on and down and down
over and over because "I'll love you forever"

The hate too, they made into art
The words thrown at them
written down
and then drawn over
harsh and angry lines
that cut through the paper

They painted on walls
drew in the margins
wrote where they could
but they were always creating

From love to grief
and the sound of birds to breaking glass
they made what they could
and always it was true

Maybe it couldn't be clear
to those still blinded by sight
but it was real and maybe
that was enough

For they didn't create
to prove a point
or make someone see
they created to feel

You don't need to see
in order to feel
the earth under your feet
or the winds in your hair

You can hear their laughter
and you can hear their hate
you don't need to see
to know what they think

So maybe sometime
stop and close your eyes
and open yourself
to the world of sound
50 · Jan 25
Digging Deeper
E Jan 25
I was trying to fix it
maybe plant some flowers
lilies, your favorite
or maybe a rose bush
something to try and
fill the hole I made
in your heart

But I picked up the shovel
and I kept digging
down and down
deeper and deeper
until dirt surrounded me
and I had no ladder
and even the sun couldn't reach me

I don't think there's a way out
but that's my own fault
it's what I chose
every time I opened my mouth
or took a step closer
I dug deeper
so maybe I'll stay here
I don't like feeling sad but it makes for good poetry :)
39 · Jan 25
Losing You
E Jan 25
I think I thought
it could last forever
but it didn't
and I don't know what to do

You're still here
and I know you are
but I can't remember
and it hurts so much more

I almost wish
I knew what happened
but if I forgot
then should I really remember?

It hurts more than
I thought it could
and I feel like I'm losing
both you and myself

I think I should remember
but I'm not sure if I can
would it be worth it
to dig up the past?
Forgetting someone you care about </3
29 · Feb 20
Quiet Nights
E Feb 20
Late nights
quiet stitches
staying up
just to hear
you still breathing

it's a quiet fear
the one I have
that maybe on day
I'll lose you
so I stay up

Each time
it gets too quiet
I have to pause
and listen
just to be sure

I know I need sleep
but how can I
close my eyes
when I don't know
if you'd still be there

I'll sleep soon
just a few more minutes
a few more stitches
another page
one more song

Just about anything
that will keep me up
maybe a cup of coffee
or tea
or my computer

Trying not to drift off
just so I can still
hear your quiet breath
just to know
you're still here

I know that
maybe it's a
little foolish
to hurt so much
when I don't know

But how can I risk
losing you
as well
when we've already
paid so much?

It's already
so alone
so cold
just thinking
you're not here

what would I do
if you ever
really left
taken away
gone for good

I don't think
I could stand it
they've slept
so long
will they ever wake up?

It's so tempting
to reach over
check your pulse
but I'll wait
and let you sleep

Just one more chapter
one more hour
one more song
a few more rows
just a bit longer

Because maybe
maybe if I just
stay up long enough
you'll be safe
and I'll still have you

I know
I can't stop it all
but I want to
and maybe if I
stay up...

So, sleep
for me
so I can hear
you still breathing

I'll be here
ready to help
if it ever stops
but for now
just another stich
by anonymous
It.... *****, losing people, y'know? Maybe they moved, maybe moved on, maybe passed away. Whatever it is it still.... hurts. You miss them. And nothing can make it... stop hurting. But you have to keep going. I mean, you wouldn't want to worry them, right?
E Jan 28
I lost you, once
So long ago
You could hardly remember it
if I tried to tell you

The truth is I don't blame you
but it still hurts
A hundred years wouldn't be enough
to heal the pain you left

She was the one who took you, yes
but I didn't know until it was too late
and I could do nothing but stand and watch
as she took everything through you

First, it was you
missing and I was alone
taking care of what we used to have
and trying to stay strong

And then you come back
and I think it might be okay
Maybe we can fix it
But it's so much worse than I thought

Because she hurt him through you
and I watched as you broke his wings
and left him nearly dead
I couldn't stop you,
you were always stronger than me

And then she took you for good
took your mate mark
and then your wings
and finally your life

And I couldn't stop it
I'd lost everything in one day
and I mourned for so long
but it was never enough

I tried to fix it
tried to make it better
but I kept only breaking it
and I don't know what to do

I have someone else now
and I love him
but you're back
and I'm more lost than ever

I can't take you back
I can't go through that again
But I don't want to lose you entirely either
what am I supposed to do?
wrote this one a while back. Hope you enjoy.

— The End —